Trip to coast

lemme know if anybody plans to fish trask or tillamook tidewater on saturday..early and can come back by evening....i'll share the expense....if you can pick me up, i might buy you a lunch too...lemme know...:)
Sorry bro id love to but i can only afford one more shared expense trip until payday (which happens to be after this weekend). And i already promised that to my buddy for Sunday, otherwise i would totally be down for it. Though if the Trask doesn't heat up we may head to the Sandy instead.
You should be able to have some good luck in the sandy. There are plenty of fish in there it's just a matter of finding what they will hit on. We have been having good luck on eggs and brass blade spinners.
Sandy???? I'm talkin bout fall chinook man......i want to hook in a chrome monster...sandy and clack days are over guys ( no offense but silvers are off my chart now...)...if you know what i mean.... any trooper ready????? just coastal tide water...trask, wilson.
somebody who knows where to fish....i know places but you have to toggle with my memory to revive it:lol:...
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Chrome Monsters

Chrome Monsters

I'll be camping at the Hospital Hole Friday & Saturday nights. I'll already be there so I can't share a ride and I'm staying until Sunday afternoon. I'll be tent camping so stop by and say hi. I've fished there before but never caught anything but sure have seen a few.;)
PM me if you get the bug and decide to go for it anyway.
If all goes well and me and my buddy do show up Sunday, look for the pile of crap 83 toyota celica (red/rust). That'll be my ride. I'll be wearing my trusty camo hat.
JSpencer: I love you avatar. Pike used to be my favorite fish growing up in Europe.

I'd like to think that Sandy/Clack will pick up but I'm not sure. I'll be heading to the coast this weekend my self. Maybe Wilson and Kilches. I've also read that coastal tribs with Coho hatcheries should be a good place to be. I can drive(free gas) if someone wants to show few places on Coho coastal tribs.
There you go Luv2fish! There's your opportunity, jump on it quick man!

Oh and ty about my avatar. I used to fish northern pike all the time back in my home state of michigan. Toss anything at them and they practically jump in your boat trying to rip it to pieces. Put up a great fight too
i have lived in manchester ( england) for quite a while when i was 21 or 22...anyhoo yeah pike was my first fish on rod and reel . it was a decent fish..pretty big for a first timer.
anybody heading tommorow

anybody heading tommorow

so its rain today but tommorow it will be arright i who's up....for fishing trask tidewater...or wilson or tillamook river...i'm willing to share expense...
Hey luv2fish. My girlfriend and I are planning to fish the wilson and/or trask tomorrow and I have room for one more. I'll pm you with more info!
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