Trillium feels left out.

There has never been a post in the Trillium forum so I figred it needed one. I love to float around Trillium the view is Beautiful. If you can get into the back out by the weeds I've seen some big fish perfect for a fly. Its also a great lake to get started fishing on, lots of happy kids.
I love trillium been a few years since i made it up there, use to go camping and fishing up there every year..

Great place to learn how to fish!!

There has never been a post in the Trillium forum so I figred it needed one. I love to float around Trillium the view is Beautiful. If you can get into the back out by the weeds I've seen some big fish perfect for a fly. Its also a great lake to get started fishing on, lots of happy kids.

Caught a few and lost a few out there this past summer... :D
I hooked a 18" brooder out of there 5 minutes later my buddy pulled a 24" brooder out of there from our secret spot.. being 20 mins from the house is a nice place to pickup subway and drive up there after work in the summer..
Me and the "old man" last summer hooked into some Brooders. Is your "secret spot near the North end of the lake. PM me cause i got some secret spots too amybe we can trade??
Me and the "old man" last summer hooked into some Brooders. Is your "secret spot near the North end of the lake. PM me cause i got some secret spots too amybe we can trade??

There is 2 spots... one is located near the only deep spot on the lake but on the side the wind blows to.. and the other is on a spot that gets first sun and has some stumps underwater.. ;)
I'm sure you could... i would check the ice real well though.... and you would have to hike a couple miles down to it from the gate at 26..
I have hiked in at about this time of year a few years back and I would not recomend ice fishing. To me the ice did not look as stable as you would like to see to walk out on nor did i see any tracks from other brave souls. This has also been a low snow year so i bet its not even as frozen as when I hiked in.
very true.. this year wouldn't be good but I would say in january on a normal year you could walk out a couple feet and drill a small hole to see how thick it is and worth risking it.. but i would say it wouldn't get more then 6-8 inches think.. I walked across it a couple years back in january but it has been near 0 up there for a couple weeks.. without testing it supidly..
I have fished a lot up there. Last summer was the best I have ever seen. A few days after they opened it, I was on my way home from camping at rock creek, decided to stop by and fish for a while since I still had the pantoon on the back of the truck. Best day ever up there, I was realesing 10-12 inchers, never done that before. the water was perfect, catching fish about every 15min. Well 2 hours later my buddy and I had our limit with nothing smaller than 14". Through out my times fishing up there last summer I saw 3 29"+ being pulled out of there. It's great living on Mt. hood and being able to fish these great alpine lakes. I have also thought to of ice fishing over there, never had the balls to do it though. 2 winters ago it was thick enough to do it, a guy that I work with did it and pulled out two nice brooders. Anyway, I see that lake every day on my way home from work, if anyone wants to buck up and do some ice fishing let me know, I'm down.
Anymore fishing stories from there?

Keep it spinning
Man, I am down with that. I have a hand-crank auger and I think it would be a kick. Is it still iced over? Let me know, I think maybe I can get away next week or maybe even at the end of this week.
It still frozen, but it might not be thick enough. it's been a really light winter. If we get another storm to come in maybe it will be just right.
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