So I hit up the town strecth again today. no luck but did get there late like around 10 and fished until 1 or so. gave up and moved up river and did a bit of trouting with minimal succes but seen a guy with 2 nice steelhead at the ramp that were caught above Island Park on spinners. Also bumped into the guy who got my boaters privalages suspended and while he was busy with the other boat i gave my info to the other stater and got out of dodge quick. Marshal was eyeballing me but its been almost a year since i last saw him and i have a new boat so i think it helped. Must be nice to get to run around in a jet boat and enjoy the sun. I think with a good copilot I could get up to island park while the water is still up. I has cleared up since the other day though so I will keep at it and let you guys know when I get one.