This is a disgrace....

Well-known member
So, since I have recently become unemployed I have a lot of time on my hands (more fishing!!)...It has only been 3 days and already I am addicted to Guitar Hero....:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Me and my dog went for a drive today to the Santiam Bluffs...what a mess...I hate people that are too lazy to pay for their trash to be disposed of or are just too lazy to carry it home.

I only had my cell so the pictures are not that good but the trash is terrible there. I am thinking I will take a day and try to clean it up a bit. It is kind of steep and the bushes and trees are getting leaves and stuff so it is going to be quite a job getting down there. If there is anyone that would like to help, PM me and we can set up a day and time. There isn't a lot of parking but we can work that out. I have a couple of rakes that could pull some of it up and some shears to cut back some of the berry bushes and I will provide bags. I also don't have a truck but I can carry a few bags in my car.....any takers? Oh, of course there are a couple of tires too.

Anyway, let me know....I will also contact ProjectWilderness and let them know
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Sorry, now that the pics are posted you can't see squat in is bad tho.
if you think thats bad, NEVER drive through the Texas Pan handle!
halibuthitman said:
if you think thats bad, NEVER drive through the Texas Pan handle!

I will remember that, thanks...Is the trash bigger in Texas too? :D
If you and your dog went for a drive...was your doggy driving? LOL

Way to go sis!!!
We used to find trash bags dumped along the road we lived on as a kid, my step dad would stop, pick them up, look through them and find a piece of junk mail with an address on it, and the fun would begin!! We would drive to address and he would take the bag(s) up to their front door and rip them open all over the place. The three times that I got to go along with him, there was never any problems with the residents, but then again he is a 6'3" ex Navy SEAL. I am not condoning this method, but it can be very effective and entertaining if you were so inclined.....
adambomb said:
We used to find trash bags dumped along the road we lived on as a kid, my step dad would stop, pick them up, look through them and find a piece of junk mail with an address on it, and the fun would begin!! We would drive to address and he would take the bag(s) up to their front door and rip them open all over the place. The three times that I got to go along with him, there was never any problems with the residents, but then again he is a 6'3" ex Navy SEAL. I am not condoning this method, but it can be very effective and entertaining if you were so inclined.....

hmmmmm if I find ANY that is a good uncle got caught that way and my aunt about killed him......
troutdude said:
If you and your dog went for a drive...was your doggy driving? LOL

Way to go sis!!!

:D I like to be in control...she rode shotgun and navigated....hehe
Well, I didn't have much response to this and that is probably a good thing. When I contacted Linn County about cleaning up the bluffs I spoke to a very nice gentleman, Will Tucker, County Commissioner. He informed me that the turnout and bank are private property. The residents above the bluffs got tired of the drunken brawls, cars parked all along the road (huge hazard) and of course the trash. Mr. Tucker said you can access the bluffs by boat or swimming but if you access the water by the bank you will be cited for trespassing. He thinks it should be open to the public, especially fisherpersons. He said if anyone would like to submit any input he would really like to hear from you. To send any letters, opinions, etc his address is:

Will Tucker
Linn County Oregon
300 SW 4th Ave
PO Box 100
Albany, OR 97321

He also informed me there was a meeting the other night concerning Weyerhauser closing the gate to the road to the upper Calapooia. I have never fished there but they also got tired of garbage, maintaining road and liability...there is an article in the Albany Democrat Herald from Thursday 3/18/2010 that discusses in some detail the meeting and the particulars. He also said that with the signs posted, a person will be cited and will end up in court as it is criminal trespass. He also would like the publics input on this matter also. He feels that both places should be accessible to the public. It was also mentioned that it was discussed that a group could adopt the road and be responsible for keeping it clean.

Anyway, just thought I would mention this to whoever would be interested.....guess the bluffs are going to stay the way they are....
lilsalmon said:
Well, I didn't have much response to this and that is probably a good thing. When I contacted Linn County about cleaning up the bluffs I spoke to a very nice gentleman, Will Tucker, County Commissioner. He informed me that the turnout and bank are private property. The residents above the bluffs got tired of the drunken brawls, cars parked all along the road (huge hazard) and of course the trash. Mr. Tucker said you can access the bluffs by boat or swimming but if you access the water by the bank you will be cited for trespassing. He thinks it should be open to the public, especially fisherpersons. He said if anyone would like to submit any input he would really like to hear from you. To send any letters, opinions, etc his address is:

Will Tucker
Linn County Oregon
300 SW 4th Ave
PO Box 100
Albany, OR 97321

He also informed me there was a meeting the other night concerning Weyerhauser closing the gate to the road to the upper Calapooia. I have never fished there but they also got tired of garbage, maintaining road and liability...there is an article in the Albany Democrat Herald from Thursday 3/18/2010 that discusses in some detail the meeting and the particulars. He also said that with the signs posted, a person will be cited and will end up in court as it is criminal trespass. He also would like the publics input on this matter also. He feels that both places should be accessible to the public. It was also mentioned that it was discussed that a group could adopt the road and be responsible for keeping it clean.

Anyway, just thought I would mention this to whoever would be interested.....guess the bluffs are going to stay the way they are....

That's good to know. I was going to give the bluffs a try. Not now, it's not worth a ticket to me. As for the Calapooia. It would be quite a job to haul all the garbage people leave up there. Bunch of pigs! I don't get it. I'd rather try to get written permission to go there than open it to the public.
TTFishon said:
That's good to know. I was going to give the bluffs a try. Not now, it's not worth a ticket to me. As for the Calapooia. It would be quite a job to haul all the garbage people leave up there. Bunch of pigs! I don't get it. I'd rather try to get written permission to go there than open it to the public.

I agree with you. I have never been there but I wouldnt mind getting the written permission either....

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