They got the wrong bag

Marvin's Guide Service
Well, Friday I had 2 clients om my boat for Sturgeon, they were from the Seattle area.
we got 2 keeper Sturgeon and at the end of the day I cleaned the sturgeon and my clients put the meat in a bag, and the Sturgeon guts in a different bag.

The guys walked away with both bags.
I got a phone call around 8 that night, they said they were home, and they could not believe what they did.

After I left they threw one of the bag in the dumster at the boat ramp, when they got home they saw that they threw the wrong bag away they had the guts and threw the meat away.

what could I say but wow and I was sorry, but like they said it was not my fault!
but I still felt bad.
Thats to bad !!! Just threw away the best meat ever !!!! :(
yep the guy said he never had sturgeon before.
Sad story, I think I might cry!:(
Here's your sign! (Unfortunately I've done worse)
Wow that sucks. One time I grabbed the garbage bag cans and carried them 12 blocks and into the store and went to dump them in a cart and do the machine thing when I realized I grabbed the big bag of garbage next to the cans.
That is really unfortunate!

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

Did they make soup? :shock:
What did you do?
Here is one of the dumbest things I ever did...On a hunting trip as a teenager with one of my buddies, I took my dads pistol without permission. Wouldn't have been a big deal except I had put it on the roof of our vehicle as we were loading gear in the dark and drove off with it on the roof. It dawned on me about 20 miles down the road. We back tracked and walked miles of the road in the dark looking for it and never found it. About 10 years later I found almost the exact same gun in a pawn shop and bought it. I gave it to my dad in hopes he would forgive me. (He allready had) but it still haunts me to this day...
Once upon a time I had a three week old container of Deli macaroni salad that I had found behind my monitor and was going to throw away (I know.... I know....) and a brand new container, both half eaten. After several beers I screwed up and ate some of the old container.

Bad. Bad. Bad.

You can try to beat that, but you can't.
GraphiteZen said:
Once upon a time I had a three week old container of Deli macaroni salad that I had found behind my monitor and was going to throw away (I know.... I know....) and a brand new container, both half eaten. After several beers I screwed up and ate some of the old container.

Bad. Bad. Bad.

You can try to beat that, but you can't.

I was waiting for a friend at his house and was hungry so i ate some leftover pizza out of his fridge. We he showed up i thanked him for the pizza and he said, "you mean your pizza?"

after a moment i realliaed it was the pizza i brought over for a poker night 2 weeks earlier.........

i spent a while in the bathroom after that...... blah!
I was sitting in the chow hall in Kuwait eating breakfast in 2004 when I accidentally drank sour milk. I would have just spit it out but a couple of the very few good looking women in the army were sitting across the table from me, so of course I had to play it off like nothing had happened.
What was even worse then that is when I drank what I thought was beer while I was watching a movie in Korea. It turned out that I grabbed the beer bottle that I had been using as a spitter and ashtray for the last few nights. I ended up having to go to the bathroom and getting the dip spit soaked cigarette butts out of my stomach.
juggernaut506 said:
I was sitting in the chow hall in Kuwait eating breakfast in 2004 when I accidentally drank sour milk. I would have just spit it out but a couple of the very few good looking women in the army were sitting across the table from me, so of course I had to play it off like nothing had happened.
What was even worse then that is when I drank what I thought was beer while I was watching a movie in Korea. It turned out that I grabbed the beer bottle that I had been using as a spitter and ashtray for the last few nights. I ended up having to go to the bathroom and getting the dip spit soaked cigarette butts out of my stomach.

I did something similar when I was *cough* much too young to be drinking but I was... Every can around was Coors Light and was talking to this really cute girl, completely distracted from what I was drinking and pretty buzzed. I got a ways into this can before I noticed how... spicy it was... Believe it or not I held it down and proceeded to drink from the correct can like nothing had happened. She bailed about 3 minutes later though and I was nauseous for the rest of the night hahaha. :lol::lol:
Lol speaking of mistaken beer identity...Long time ago I was drinking beer at a friend's wedding reception and had perhaps a few too many, set my cup down (BIG NO NO) and then somehow became distracted, by what I can't recall, but my beer and I became seperated. I returned to what I thought was my beer and proceeded to take a big drink. Only to shortly thereafter realize that the cup I grabbed had been a susbtitute urinal and was not actually beer. To this day I can't drink beer from a cup. It's gotta be a bottle or can that has been in my hand the entire time.
JeannaJigs said:
Lol speaking of mistaken beer identity...Long time ago I was drinking beer at a friend's wedding reception and had perhaps a few too many, set my cup down (BIG NO NO) and then somehow became distracted, by what I can't recall, but my beer and I became seperated. I returned to what I thought was my beer and proceeded to take a big drink. Only to shortly thereafter realize that the cup I grabbed had been a susbtitute urinal and was not actually beer. To this day I can't drink beer from a cup. It's gotta be a bottle or can that has been in my hand the entire time.

I have to say. This one takes the cake! Yuk
JeannaJigs said:
Lol speaking of mistaken beer identity...Long time ago I was drinking beer at a friend's wedding reception and had perhaps a few too many, set my cup down (BIG NO NO) and then somehow became distracted, by what I can't recall, but my beer and I became seperated. I returned to what I thought was my beer and proceeded to take a big drink. Only to shortly thereafter realize that the cup I grabbed had been a susbtitute urinal and was not actually beer. To this day I can't drink beer from a cup. It's gotta be a bottle or can that has been in my hand the entire time.

Whoa! Talk about throwing the bouquet!! But who the heck uses a cup for a urinal at a wedding!?!?! :shock:
GraphiteZen said:
Whoa! Talk about throwing the bouquet!! But who the heck uses a cup for a urinal at a wedding!?!?! :shock:
it was the reception and it went long into the evening lol. Lots of drunk ( "Special" ) people. The bathroom was quite a distance away and so someone got lazy. Intoxicated people are generally quite lazy anyways. It probably seemed like a genius idea. "HA screw walking to that long line, I've got a cup"

It took me a second to realize what that taste I hadn't made a habit of drinking urine lol. I think it was when I sniffed it, that I realized...and it wasn't long before the endless vomitting started lol.
Not too long ago I lost track of my almost finished beer think I founfd it a bit later I killed the last bit to open a new one. I realized something wasn't right right before I swallowed and spit it out and washed my mouth several times before grabbing a fresh beer from the fridge. Somehow I crabbed the can my buddy had be spitting in while he was chewing. It wasn't that bad though since it was one of those camel snus's. but i will never do that again i can tell you that.
JeannaJigs said:
it was the reception and it went long into the evening lol. Lots of drunk ( "Special" ) people. The bathroom was quite a distance away and so someone got lazy. Intoxicated people are generally quite lazy anyways. It probably seemed like a genius idea. "HA screw walking to that long line, I've got a cup"

It took me a second to realize what that taste I hadn't made a habit of drinking urine lol. I think it was when I sniffed it, that I realized...and it wasn't long before the endless vomitting started lol.

Don't you just hate that though when some jerk just has to just total what could have been an absolutely champion run!?!
Thuggin4Life said:
Not too long ago I lost track of my almost finished beer think I founfd it a bit later I killed the last bit to open a new one. I realized something wasn't right right before I swallowed and spit it out and washed my mouth several times before grabbing a fresh beer from the fridge. Somehow I crabbed the can my buddy had be spitting in while he was chewing. It wasn't that bad though since it was one of those camel snus's. but i will never do that again i can tell you that.

My opinion about Snus: At least with cope there is something else there and it's not just 100% your buddy's spit. Plus it's more potent and there might be a slight buzz involved to help you get through it. Not sure that's a good thing though... :confused:

As an admin I need to stop this topic. I don't know how much more I can take hahah!

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