The wall in OC

If you and Mike want to go out let me know. You bring "refreshments:D" I'll bring gas and a boat. It's a 19' Bayliner.
Thanks Troutmasta, We'll take you up on that one of these days. We're going to Tillamook this weekend for some nook and gator action this weekend.
joesnuffy said:
Why hasn't "The Wall" been closed down yet?
Becouse as sportsmen we have not expressed interest in that to the state, take some interesting video down to salem and show the right people.
But in the real world, 6 rolls of old chain-link fence and some five gallon buckets full of cement and the wall is ruined forever. ( and if you dive you could make a fortune on lead )
troutmasta said:
If you and Mike want to go out let me know. You bring "refreshments:D" I'll bring gas and a boat. It's a 19' Bayliner.

Wait Mike as in ME? :lol::D
Hey lets go toss fish off a 50' cliff.

Hey lets go toss fish off a 50' cliff.

Just found this vid and it re-lit the flame and I thought I'd add to the thread.

:confused:I think fishing from the Wall is fu'd up and everyone that fishes there should be "released as gently as possible" off the Wall.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

"Huhuh...I think it just knocks the wind out of 'em".....:rolleyes: Idiots wouldnt toss their kids off the wall head first and expect them to live why do it to a effn fish.
every year it becomes more apparent that a class should be required for sturgeon fishing, like to be a bowhunter... these guys simply must not understand what they are doing:confused:
"They have a really good time when they try to get them up the wall."
CLOSE IT DOWN!! I don't understand why it's still open. Gator fishing would be soooooooooo much better in that area if they closed it.
Somebody could make some money if they came up with a net with some sort of a bottom release and pulley arm attachment that would connect to the guard rail up there. If the fish could be hoisted up and lowered down gently the fishery there could continue. Just a thought.:think:
OnTheFly said:
Somebody could make some money if they came up with a net with some sort of a bottom release and pulley arm attachment that would connect to the guard rail up there. If the fish could be hoisted up and lowered down gently the fishery there could continue. Just a thought.:think:

Well think about how long the fish are outta the water... They gotta go up a 60ft wall before they can even be unhooked then back down a 60ft wall.. I don't think it's right by the fish.
Mike123 said:
Well think about how long the fish are outta the water... They gotta go up a 60ft wall before they can even be unhooked then back down a 60ft wall.. I don't think it's right by the fish.

True but a sturgeon's like a catfish and could survive a lot of out of water time unlike a rainbow trout. Maybe you're right and 'The Wall' might be too much but how fast could one get a fish to the top with a pulley? Ever pull up crab pots with one? Pretty fast.
OnTheFly said:
True but a sturgeon's like a catfish and could survive a lot of out of water time unlike a rainbow trout. Maybe you're right and 'The Wall' might be too much but how fast could one get a fish to the top with a pulley? Ever pull up crab pots with one? Pretty fast.

I'm sure over half the people down there can/could release fish just fine. But it's the 30% crowd that have no freakin clue on how to handle fish that worry me. I'm just saying the fishery would be a lot better if that place wasn't there.
Not to mention it's half way scary driving a boat anywhere near that place for fear of lead caving in your skull! :shock: I'm sure if someone built a pulley system with a cradle type net it would be vandalized or stolen the first day it was there. :(
They just need to close that place down. There are plenty of spots to do some bank fishing in the metro area. I think its going to happen. Seem like I read or heard that the dock on the other side of the river was going to get replaced. When that happens if it happens this **** has to be stopped. I love the chain link fence idea that the kind of crazy thoughts I have from time to time.
Hey Mike and Todd, I ultimately think you guys are right. Too tough on the fish. I used to troll for Springers in there and those guys would get really pi$$t OFF if you got too close to their lines. Salmon would cruise in the inversion layer in about 15 line pulls out but the sturgeon hole below the wall, according to the fish finder graph, dropped down to 90'.
So let me get this straight. They use a noose to haul fish up the wall at Oregon City ?
This does'nt make any sense to me as far as the law goes. In a boat or bank its illegal
to take an over sized fish out of the water, let alone put it in the boat and take a picture of it. But you are all saying that they use a noose and kill 90% of what is hauled up the wall ? Something isn't right here. Having fished the Willamette below the falls for years I have never heard of a 90% kill rate of oversized fish at the falls. Although I seldom target oversized fish, I have fished by boat close to the falls and I have not witnessed this B/S. I dont know about the rest of you but I find all of this quite disturbing. I shall be inquiring with ODFW about this.
John B said:
I shall be inquiring with ODFW about this.

The more the better!
:clap: Great, Lets get the popcorn in the microwave and watch ODFW do Nothing about the wall.
that is pretty messed up. will be sending a letter to ODFW. Waste of effort, but nothing ventured nothing gained i suppose.
You've got to be kidding me...

You've got to be kidding me...

I just watched the video on youtube:(-If every wish was something you could keep-knock yourself out, drag em up the cliff with a winch if it gets you off. But if you have to throw back the small and the big-Seems like a great example of poor game management. (Think of this when you file your tax return this year-we are the ODFW's employer. Be sure and send our "employees at the ODFW" a message to let them know how apalling this fishing practice is:naughty:-considering how many have to be thrown back!!)

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