The Show

So, I went to the Show yesterday with my son. As soon as we got there he wanted to fish. He heard there was a swimmin' pool full of trout, and he wanted some.

He decided to let his first two swim away, so he could come back later and bonk off two more. Good choice kid. He got to watch me release his first two fish without taking them outta the water, and he got the step by step from his old man on how to do it right. After he got his two fish in, in the a.m., we did the rest of the Show. Walking around got to meet the fine folks from Thomas Creek Outfitters, hookdanook, and Kodiak. Got the boy into some prospecting...bought a pile of sand that he could "pan" in a big bathtub. Words can't describe the look on his face when he saw those little gold flakes on the bottom of the pan!! We bottled his gold, and he carried it in his hand the rest of the time...until it was time to fish some more, then he was all about the fishin'!
I don't think he can concentrate any harder....

Newest member of Team Gott'em....

And the fourth and final fish of the day. He wanted to hold it up before I gave it a bonk. This picture took about 5 minutes to take...slippery little sucker...

After the last fish, got the phone call that Superdad was needed at home, so we had to turn tail, and burn rubber outta there. Saw Arctic and Os at TCO's booth. I tried to stop and shoot the bull, but I could feel my leash getting tighter and tighter. So I resisted the urge to stop and join the bull session. But on the way out, outta the corner of my eye, I spy one of these....


So who all is going tomorrow? Im stoked to get back down there. Ive already got most of my seminars written down that I want to catch. One thing I know for sure, is I WILL be riding public transportation there!! Traffic was insane! I tried to get there early thinking that I could beat the traffic...WRONG! So...Yellow line here I come....
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RIGHT ON BRothers....................Beautiful.....................CONGratiations.on Fish........................................:D........................:cool:..............................:clap::clap::clap:

Mighty Glad y'all had FUN'S...................:lol:


Wow, what a wonderful way to spend the day! And those lil Carharts are to die for! Such a grand lil Man with a beautiful fish, he will treasure that pictures in the years to come. Thanks for the big smile I now have. Be safe.
Fishtopher........great post. It's so nice to see kids having fun, especially with there Pop! Ditto on those carharts!;)
Killer Chris, at least your son has the right idea about how to hold a fish! Haha!:lol: Nice seeing you there for a few, too bad you were on the short leash at the moment!;) and the rods you have a picture of... Wraptor Custom Rods. They are only about 30-50 dollars more than a showroom stock unit, but you end up getting Magnesium reel seats, Titanium guides, and decent cork or graphite handle assemblies. I think they are a worth while investment, if you are into custom gear. The next couple drift/plug blanks I buy, are getting the "treatment." I have some grizzly, and kodiak fur swatches, and some goose, and duck feathers that I want to get dyed, so they can use fibres that I harvested, on a custom rod, built to my specs. Would be cool for sure.
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