The Reason Why...

I was greatly looking forward to attending the Fish OFF Derby this Saturday, and was hoping to put faces to all of your names. I headed up to Detroit at about 2:00pm, and decided to go and fish at my “secret” spot, which is secret because it is down a very steep embankment along the roadside.

I made one trip down the slope with all of my gear, and then realized that I needed to go back up to the car. On the second trip down the slope I fell and felt a loud pop in my knee. I found that I could not get up, and could not climb back up the hill. Fortunately I landed near the water, so I decided to sit and fish for a while to see if my leg improved. Sadly it did not, although I did catch one nice trout.

I thought that I would call the local volunteer fire department, thinking that they could throw me a rope and pull me up. Unfortunately when the fire crew arrived, they said there was no way to get me back up the hill. I don’t know if this was a safety issue, or if I was just getting too fat. Instead, they tied me into a stretcher, called the sheriff’s office, and had me placed into the sheriff’s boat with all of my gear. The sheriff then took me to Mongold State Park, where I was put into an ambulance for a ride to the hospital. I spent three hours in the ER, where they finally determined that I hadn’t broken anything, but had more likely torn or pulled a ligament.

So now I am sitting at home on crutches and in a brace, eating vicodin and waiting for my MRI. The good news is that my wife had recently purchased AFLAC insurance, so we will get a payment of some sort in addition to covering most of any bills that we will incur. The bad news is that I did not get the opportunity to meet with any of you, which is very sad for me. I hope you all had a good time, and that a lot of friendships were forged.

That really sucks. At least you caught a nice trout. I hope you get better soon.
Thank goodness for AFLAC!

Hope you have a speedy recovery Eamon!
WoW what a day you had. :confused:

Hoping that you have a speedy recovery.............. thumbs_up.png
That is CRAZY! You should have seen the looks on our faces when Barb relayed the story! Well hopefully you will be able to walk by the next potluck!!

How did it happen? Did you slip and hyper-extend it or fall and land on it? Knee injuries suck!
Man, Im sorry. About the Injury and the Miss.

Hope you get better soon.
Was looking forward to it.

Was looking forward to it.

Sucks that your knee gave on you, I was looking forward to meeting you as was Raincatcher. Hopefully you'll be feeling better here soon. Maybe we can do a mini Fish OFF sometime.
Don't forget your ball

Don't forget your ball

Shame on you! :naughty: You should know better than to roll downhill without your Hampster Roller Ball! :protest: Next time,at least do like the rest of us fat old people,tie a rope around a tree and take it down with you. That way, you at least have a handle. :tongue:
Seriously,I hope the MRI shows nothing serious. :D How soon will you be up and around again? Glad to hear you got the help you needed without having to wait more than a week like that woman did a few months back. That was serious!
See you at the next one?
I don't know why but this story reminds me of an incident concerning a co-worker of my dad's when he sold RVs...

So this dude was doing some work on the roof of a house out in the boonies. Two stories, on a raised foundation. He climbs up his ladder and as he is stepping up onto the foof the ladder falls away... He figures he can do his work and by the time he's done the owners will be home and can help him down.

So he finishes, nobody home yet. Waits a while longer... nobody. Starts to get irritated as night begins to set in. So he figures he's going to need to improvise and starts looking around for a creative way down. Well he looks down into the backyard and -woo hoo- spots one of those giant trampolines... :rolleyes: (this guy isn't very smart by the way) keep in mind he two stories up... Figures as long as he hits it just right he should be golden.... Well he ended up breaking a leg when the trampoline bottomed out, broke his shoulder getting launched into a tree and broke his arm falling to the ground.... The owener had to help him out alright but only in calling an ambulance when they came home to a folded trampoline and his his dumb ass laying unconscious next to a tree... Seriously one of the funniest stories I have ever heard. :lol:

Not that your story was funny I was just reminded of this for some reason :D
want to race?

want to race?

Did you get the results of your MRI back yet? We all need to know how it turns out so we will know what to expect if any of us decide to fall-ow :doh: in your footsteps. Hope it is mending quickly for you and won't have lasting effects on you. It's just a pain in the arse to have a hitch in your get along. :shock:
I ended up at the doc's yesterday after nearly falling on my face getting out of bed. :shock: Talk about pain! :( Dang,I thought I broke it in my sleep. Turns out I have Plantar Faciitis (sp?). That's the figure 8 tendon in the bottom of the foot. It was so swollen it was bulging. Now,I like my doctors. They are compassionate,understanding and have only my best interest at heart. So,why the heck did it become necessary for him to reach out and poke the tender tendon?! :protest: Not once,but three times!!! :mad: I nearly smacked him on his lil bald melon! :wall: I am now on crutches and really making my armpits angry. Can't win. He did say I MUST wear thick soled boots when jumping around on rocks like an baboon while fishing. Take heed.
They still haven't called to schedule the MRI, so I am still waiting. I appreciate everyone's kind words. I usually take a rope along to my favorite spot and tie it off to a tree to use as a handrail. Of course the one time I don't I fall like an idiot. Still, like my roof accident it would have been an entertaining fall to watch. Since bad things usually happen in threes, I am trying to lay low for a while...

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