The question of the year !!!

While riding around last Saturday, my wife looked at mad said," You need to make up you mind which you want first, A new Pickup or a big boat" . Kind of like which came first, the truck to put a 22' - 23' boat or the boat moored someplace getting paid of hopefully and used at the same time. What would you do, Can't buy both at the same time. Tight Lines, Dan
I would buy the truck first you will use it more, I work for capitol chevrolet let me know if i can help you find a truck!!!
truck, and then a boat. Boat's no good without something to pull it lol. I got the boat, before I had a vehicle with 4x4 to tow it to the muddy and icy put ins and take outs on my favorite winter SUCKED.
Get the boat first! Then tell your friends they can go fishing any time they are willing to tow your boat to the ramp.

Just my $0.02

Oh man...that's a tough one. I'm sure glad it's you and not me that has to make that decision. How can you sleep at night?
if you have friends that have boats you can fish in i would say get the truck you will use it more and at the end of a hard days fishn youll be left with a shiny truck to drive off in while your buddys headed home to clean the scales out of the bottom of his boat hope this helps
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