Tenmile creek steelhead derby

Does anyone know the results of the steelhead derby held on Tenmile it was about 3 weeks ago last year they posted it in the paper but nothing this year. I didn't get to participate the fishing was too good else where and you never leave fish to go find fish
i would love to find out the dates for that!!! any info? thanks
nwkiller said:
i would love to find out the dates for that!!! any info? thanks

it was about 3 weeks ago.
thanks, i knew it had just happened but want to plan for next year
It's usually the second weekend in January a two day event Saturday and Sunday first day you can check in at 5:30am weighins are at 4:30 second day weighins are at 3. Prizes go for biggest fish, most fish and total combined weight.
thanks deejay and beaverfan
I've been wanting to fish that one. You put in at the lake marina? Where is the take-out? Info. appreciated.
There are 2. Spinreel campground or the lagoon near the mouth of the creek.
I've drifted from the lake down it is not fun I would never do it again some spots are barely wide enough for the boat most spots you can't even row. We usually put in at the campground and motor back up. The water doesn't flow enough to pull down hotshots and dealing with the weeds suck but it never blows out and that's why I fish it
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