Suttle lake is 250 acres and has a max depth of 75'. It has resident Kokes, browns, whitefish and crawdads. It fishes best for kokes from may to june in shallower water, even from the bank near the boat launch, and then deeper as the summer progresses and the water temp rises..
Early and late season browns are catch-able near the surface. During the summer months they too head for deeper water. The fire some 5 years ago dramatically impacted the southern side of the lake. With the loss of tree cover the water temp raises quicker than it had prior to the fire.
Lava lake(s) are a fun place to camp and angle. Big Lava is 320 acres and 30' at it's deepest point. Bows are the main, target averaging between 6" to 5 lbs. Big lava is very productive when still fished from a boat or the bank.
Little lava lake prohibits boats with motors which makes it ideal for bellyboats, toons, canoes and rowed skiffs. I have had great success catching nice stocker bows on garden hackle near the south western bank.
One year while at big lava a scud hatch occurred so thick you couldn't breath with out sucking them in your nose and mouth. We opted to shift to little lave just 1/2 mile away and fished in fresh air while murdering bows w/o the lake locust filling your lungs.