Sunday flotilla?

Ok, fished Trillium for the 1st time today... (Badger Lake was Plan-A. Badger Lk Road is still snow-locked) launched tube at ~10am and joined the fleet/flotilla of other tubes, rowboats, SUP's. I counted ~18 when I launched. Is it like this every nice-weather weekend?? People were shoulder-to-shoulder across the dam.

Anyhoo, I C&R'd ~15 stocker rainbows, 8-12" with one 16" fatty, in 3hrs. Got a good workout kicking my swimfins against the wind... I was dragging a black wooly bugger under a clear bobber.

Anybody else out there today? or this weekend?

The reason it was crowded, is because it was Free Fishing Weekend.
I was dragging a black wooly bugger under a clear bobber.

That rig, or with an Olive green bugger and/or Teeny Nymph in the same color, is my "go to" rig from my tube!
The reason it was crowded, is because it was Free Fishing Weekend.

Yah, I knew that going in... but I wasn't thinking there'd be SO many ppl.

I just looked at the stocking schedule for they have 500 trophy-size fish planted in that little lake
Trillium is a great place for pontoons! OnTheFly puts together a floatilla every year up there.

Any of the heavily stocked, and heavily visited lakes are gonna be packed with people taking advantage of the free fishing weekend. Pretty sure that they stock most of the lakes right before the weekend so there's a pay off for most folks. At least you got out and enjoyed the water and weather.
Nice job!!!!
Casting Call
Autofisher! Most of the time on free fishing week-end means no licence needed. Pay off means a return on a investment. What Pay off? for traveling so far and not having licence. I know who paid to have those fish in that lake. It wasn't those who left trash all over the area cause they don't care. Most (not all)all they want is theire intitlements. Tony
Jason Moffatt
I was fishing there myself for the first time, but didn't arrive until about 5:00 PM or so. I've been fishing off of my Stand Up Paddle board recently and it's pretty trippy. Before going to Trillium I was over at Frog Lake and from my SUP I could see fish everywhere. I must of saw at least 15 fish anywhere from 15" to 20". Got some small ones, but most of the bigger ones would approach my lures and just do a U-Turn. It's a very interesting vantage point standing above the water, especially with polarized glasses.

I'm still kind of a fishing rookie, and it's a bit tricky to deal with the SUP and fishing gear when windy and when you get a fish on, but it's pretty darn fun.

Stoked I found this forum. I'm sure I can learn a thing or two, or fifty!

Welcome to the forum, Jason! Fishing while on your SUP sounds like it would be both a challenge and a kick in the pants. Especially with a hefty 20 incher on the end of your line! You can learn SO much from our members it may make your head spin. If you have the time, reading through the archives will absolutely make it spin! Again, welcome aboard!

You got an anchor for that thing? I bet it's fun in the wind.

Welcome to the forum.