sturgeon in upper willamette

fishing family
Question? Is it legal to fish above the falls for these monsters. If so, any advice. I have read the odfw has planted fish in the upper river??????

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There are a couple of holes that get fished up by junction city..they catch some hogs in there, another hole by the park in albany, the confluence of the santiam and willamette. I'm not much of a sturgeon guy but I done heard tell of some 6 and 8 footers up in junction city, so they are not planters. They come up through the fish laders and the boat locks.
odfw used to stock sturgeon up there. some may be lazy residents but I also figure most of them just wandered there way up there.
yeah theres some up bye dexter also....i dono how big but i was casting a bobber wway up bye the damn and the ladder and dono if my jig caught his side or wat but he went left and right then just snapped 20 pound braid.. dono if it was a sturg or not but thats wat i figured... but i hear about guys on the 58 side castin out and gettin em......
Dexter Dam...

Dexter Dam...

I have even heard reports of people hooking up below Dexter Dam, in the main pool. Don't know what they were using for bait but I would imagine some sort of Salmon carcass or reasonable facsimile, with the hatchery being there and all. You could contact ODFW in Springfield and ask for Kelly Reese, she would give you the straight poop. 541 726 3515 ext. 29

Troutski said:
I have even heard reports of people hooking up below Dexter Dam, in the main pool. Don't know what they were using for bait but I would imagine some sort of Salmon carcass or reasonable facsimile, with the hatchery being there and all. You could contact ODFW in Springfield and ask for Kelly Reese, she would give you the straight poop. 541 726 3515 ext. 29


I was talking to a guy who lives up on little fall creek last weekend below the Fall Creek Dam. He brought up that sturgeon lay in the main hole below the Dexter Dam. Also told me he catches big large mouth bass from the shore in Fall Creek Res. He said the same thing about fishing off the south side because they are around the hatchery and there is the 400' no fish zone on the hatchery side. I think he also was was the one who told me that some number of years back a bad flood washed out the Oakridge hatchery and that put a bunch of sturgeon into the upper Willy. Saw a recent story where 2 guys in Cal. got arrested for poaching sturgeon with live chinook smolt:clap: so based on that the sturgeon hang around for the buffet. Something that looks/smells like fresh fish would be my guess as to bait in that spot. I've also read that there is a pretty well known sturgeon hole at the confluence of the Long Tom & The Willy.
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if u go to the res at fall creek u can fish of the bank right next to it and nail bass all day... biggest bass i ever seen was swimming in there but couldnt coax it to bite......
Fall Creek Res Bass

Fall Creek Res Bass

if u go to the res at fall creek u can fish of the bank right next to it and nail bass all day... biggest bass i ever seen was swimming in there but couldnt coax it to bite......

The local said he fishes off the dam & the northshore park ramp area. Are you talking about all the way up by the bridge - cascara campground area? Lakeside I & II look like they would be good also. Supposed to be smallmouths also acc'd to ODFW site. Got a picture in Oct from Free Meadow looking east I'll attach so you can view structure during drawdown.
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nope im talkin about at the damn.... u go right instead of left.. like u are heading to winberry and theres a turnoff at the damn b4 u get to winberry.... of that even in winter u can see hoggs swimming down in there.........
Does anybody have any experience fishing for sturgeon near the confluence of the Long Tom and the Willamette? I've only been sturgeon fishing once up on the Columbia but I had a blast and would be thrilled if I could find someplace closer to home to fish them.
If were talking willamete try herring and shrimp stank.
yellowjacket said:
I was talking to a guy who lives up on little fall creek last weekend below the Fall Creek Dam. He brought up that sturgeon lay in the main hole below the Dexter Dam. Also told me he catches big large mouth bass from the shore in Fall Creek Res. He said the same thing about fishing off the south side because they are around the hatchery and there is the 400' no fish zone on the hatchery side. I think he also was was the one who told me that some number of years back a bad flood washed out the Oakridge hatchery and that put a bunch of sturgeon into the upper Willy. Saw a recent story where 2 guys in Cal. got arrested for poaching sturgeon with live chinook smolt:clap: so based on that the sturgeon hang around for the buffet. Something that looks/smells like fresh fish would be my guess as to bait in that spot. I've also read that there is a pretty well known sturgeon hole at the confluence of the Long Tom & The Willy.

Actually I lived in Oakridge when the hatchery flooded but they didn't have sturgeon in there until a few years later. It was only brooder Rainbow that were washed into Salmon Creek.
Walt Leon

Walt Leon

I recently received an email about an 11 foot sturgeon caught in Idaho. My buddy who lives in Washington State says that he has seen a picture of a 21 foot sturgeon caught in Lewiston, Idaho. Can anyone verify that or are their pictures available. It is said one appears in a tackle shop or store in Lewiston.

Walt Leon said:
I recently received an email about an 11 foot sturgeon caught in Idaho. My buddy who lives in Washington State says that he has seen a picture of a 21 foot sturgeon caught in Lewiston, Idaho. Can anyone verify that or are their pictures available. It is said one appears in a tackle shop or store in Lewiston.

Walt Leon

I have heard of 10-12' myself but I am not sure that I believe 21'. Anyone else know about this?:think:


mikeredding said:
I have heard of 10-12' myself but I am not sure that I believe 21'. Anyone else know about this?:think:

Ummm,how long is a Sturgeon when it is considered over-sized? Maybe it is different in Idaho? Translation: duhIdunno....:confused: :think: sorry.
Such a embarrassed...

Such a embarrassed... said:
I recently received an email about an 11 foot sturgeon caught in Idaho. My buddy who lives in Washington State says that he has seen a picture of a 21 foot sturgeon caught in Lewiston, Idaho. Can anyone verify that or are their pictures available. It is said one appears in a tackle shop or store in Lewiston.

Walt Leon

Oh dear,I'm sooo embarrassed...I forgot to welcome you to our lil 'ol forum.:shock: Please let me correct that now, WELCOME Walt! :dance: Welcome to the friendliest,best information sharing & caring fishing forum this side of the whole Atlantic Ocean! :clap: :clap: We will try to give you the best info or tips or location or whatever we can to help you enjoy fishing. We will exchange info even if you're in another state or country and we have more than a few of those members. Some of us are very experienced,some of us are out and out beginners. Some of our members are pretty close to professional and some are never gonna make it that far. We don't care! W are here for each other to share & care and learn from/with. Check out any topic you choose and let your mouse do the driving...enjoy! Be safe.
where's the Long Tom hole?

where's the Long Tom hole?

Anyone know where the Long Tom sturgeon hole is? From what I can tell (google map), the LTR dumps into what appears to be a slough on the outside of Norwood Is. Is that the hole, or is on the N or S end of the island? I'm thinkin' hard about giving this spot a try. Anyone save me a scouting trip and give me a clue as to where could I launch my fishin' kayak to access this hole?

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Over sized sturgeon

Over sized sturgeon

mikeredding said:
I have heard of 10-12' myself but I am not sure that I believe 21'. Anyone else know about this?:think:

In the past before all the large Sturgeon were sent to the cannery they were easilly in the range of 20-25'' very often. The Columbia was commercially overfished (imagine that) so the fishery has gradually made a comeback (with the help of regulation) to what it is today. If someone caught a 20-22' sturgeon on the Columbia system I would definitely believe them until I found otherwise.
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Newberg All Day

Newberg All Day

I catch em out of newberg all the time! Its not crowded at all plus there is killer bass fishing when your done with the sturgeon!
General location?

General location?

troutmasta said:
I catch em out of newberg all the time! Its not crowded at all plus there is killer bass fishing when your done with the sturgeon!

I don't suppose you would trust us with a general location,would you? Do you go out on the water or do you catch them from the bank? I can't imagine what kind of a riot it would be from the bank. No pressure to give up your honey-hole, just a little more info if you want. Be safe.

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