Stuck in Seaside, hows the Necanicum??

Going to be stuck in Seaside for a few weeks for work. Happened to me a few months ago and had a blast catchin tons of coho right in the middle of town.

Anyone know how the steelhead is doin there? Any good spots to try?

Gotta stay closer to town. can't make it all the way to the N. Fork of Nehalem due to damn daylight!!
I had never either. Was planning on having to drive to nehalem or trask but saw a guy fishin and catch right in the middle of town at the bumper boat rental location.

Nailed a few nice ones there and down stream of the 12 st brigde (the one that is set up so you can crab from the bridge). Beautiful, bright, sealice, and 99% native but what a blast.

5 min after work you can hook up! caught about 28 - 30 coho. one clipped keeper and 2 jacks for the cooler. Rest were all native but it was a blast.
hell yeah man, I love the necannicum.. You can go 4 miles from seaside to this bridge and theres plenty of holes to walk to.. Havent fished it in a month or so.. But i know theres fish there, mostly probably natives right now, But still fun!
Is that by the bridge on the golf course or on the road by the camp site? How has the fishing been? Im thinking about making a trip to the cost what have you been using?
No it was about 10 miles east of town. Have seen some near the campground holes. Saw 2 jump yeaterday and one caught today. I have been driftin night crawlers. Landed 2 little ones. The one nice one I saw caught was on a bronze #4 spinner. Most everyone floating pink jigs so I was tryin someting different. The ones I have spotted seem to be hanging in the softer water. Lots of sweet lookin spots near the county park on 26 just before 101.

Good luck. The locals tell me the peak was around the end of december and springers will start showin up in the river in about 2 more weeks.
Thanks for the report. I'm not to familliar with the park at 26 and hwy 101 but have always reconized the river being there.
Its Klootchey creek county park. Where the largest sitka spruce tree used to be. can't miss the brown sign on the north side of the road. has a little wooden bridge over river
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