Stolen Pickup

If you're into fishing, you'd notice my plates....OR salmon plates - GOT FSH They're on a '95 Dodge truck, the poster model of the day - red over silver, long box, club cab, with a black canopy.

Just an old pickup that's turned into my going to the dump and Home Depot rig, but I'd sure like to catch the bastiches that stole it. They broke into my house (while the family was home - like to have a talk about that), broke into both my other vehicles, and stole that one.

If you happen to see it, let me know. I'd be much abliged.
It's probably stripped. A few years back my jeep was stolen from a parking lot. That night they found it abandoned and utterly stripped. Everything. Tires, fenders, mirrors, windows, all stripped. They weird thing was it was a 10-year-old car.
That's crappy, I feel your pain. when I was 16 I had an old '86 Honda CRX...that damn car was stolen 3 different times, and the third time...there wasn't anything salvageable...they stripped it, and lit it on fire. Being an $800 car to begin with...Needless to say, it was a total loss.
You can steal my cr@p, but DO NOT mess with my family. If you find them before the cops, I hope you tie them to the bumper of that truck and drag them to jail. Nothing boils my blood like your story. I hope your family is okay and safe tonight.

Statistics show that cars/truck like your are the most targeted for scumbags (err, uh, I mean thieves). They are easily overlooked/blend in/don't draw attention, and they can be stripped down and sold to junk yards as parts for the other millions of those type of rigs that are on the road. These punks are common trash, they are not pros looking to score big on a Porsche. They just want their meth.

Hope you are home to welcome them next time, with a .45
Not cool

Not cool

If you're into fishing, you'd notice my plates....OR salmon plates - GOT FSH They're on a '95 Dodge truck, the poster model of the day - red over silver, long box, club cab, with a black canopy.

Just an old pickup that's turned into my going to the dump and Home Depot rig, but I'd sure like to catch the bastiches that stole it. They broke into my house (while the family was home - like to have a talk about that), broke into both my other vehicles, and stole that one.

If you happen to see it, let me know. I'd be much abliged.

Man that sucks..sorry to hear that BigShug. Hopefully the police will catch them. I'll keep an eye out for your truck.
Got my truck back today. It's far from pristine, but at least it still has all the tires and fenders on it. How senseless. It was found less than a mile from my house (driven about 75 miles).

My insurance company is coming out tomorrow. Hopefully, all will be restored to normal again.

Good thing idiots like this don't fish, hunt, or play baseball. They left a nice level-wind and another expensive fly reel in the truck, as well as 3+ boxes of ammo. My car (which they also broke into) had 4 baseball bags filled with all sorts of expensive bats and gear (couple grand easy).

Thanks all - please don't call John Law if you see my truck now :).
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