Steelhead in Alton Baker?

I overheard an interesting debate while fishing at JCP the other day and thought I would post it hear as I did not know the answer either... One guy was saying that someone he knew caught 23" steelhead out of the Alton Baker Canal, and he said that they had to tag it because the Alton baker canal is fed by the Willamette and is considered a river. The other guy was arguing that the Alton Baker Canal is all stocked and he wasn't sure if they had to tag it. Does anyone have a thoughts on this? I only ask because I've personally pull an 18" out of there in 2008 and did not have tags.... Just curious..
Usually if its in a pond or lake u dnot have to tag. Id check the regulation book to find out though.
I have caught a steelie there once let it go cause I was unsure and the other fishermen yelled at me and told me I could have kept it. When I looked at the regulations there wAs no specific on wheather or not they had to be tagged. Although I talked to an officer at JCP and he told me you had to have steelie tags to keep the steelhead in the pond. If you see a state trooper when you're fishing ask better safe than sorry. But what I got was anything in Alton baker was fair game the river regs are different than the canal regs.
So yes to keep steelhead anywhere you must have tags
As far as I know you do not need to tag steelhead in ponds and you do not need a steelhead tag either. Once it swims out of the river it in the lake and is considered a trout, only one over a certian length can be kept per day.
no you need tags this is off their website and theres the link


The Alton Baker Canoe Canal will be stocked with 2,000 legal-sized rainbow trout at several locations along its length this week. This waterbody is located in downtown Eugene behind Autzen Stadium. A 4 acre pond at the midpoint of the canal is a good spot but it can be fished all along its 2 mile length from Day Island Road to Aspen Street in Springfield. Summer steelhead are occasionally caught in this system and anglers are reminded they will need a combined angling tag to legally harvest a steelhead. It is legal to fish with 2 rods in the Alton Baker Canoe Canal, provided the appropriate licenses have been purchased.

Recreation Report: Willamette Zone: Fishing - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Must have Steelhead Tag in Alton Baker!

Folx...troutslayer is correct (above). PLUS, A.B.C. is open for trout and adipose fin-clipped Steelhead the entire year. And, Open to harvesting of "Non-Adipose" fin-clipped Steelhead greater than 24" the entire year too!

Also, a 5 trout per day bag limit. And, "trout" over 20" inches are considered a Steelhead, and you are allowed only 1 per day.

BTW, the entire reg book is ONLINE and easy to view!
Well there are steelhead in alton baker,I seen them yesterday but very slow fishin' ,me and the nephew had a good walk from the conoe shoots to the park tossin' spinners and lures the whole way and not one bite.
Anyone been down there the last day or two? Was thinking about takin my daughter down there tomarrow but don't really want to fight crowds
Depending on where you live and how far you want to go...I'd suggest a journey to Olalla Reservior. In seven hours yesterday, I caught and released over 2 dozen 8 - 10" rainbows. And, I took 5 of their big brothers home ranging from 15" - 17" each!

If you go, do NOT leave home without either:

Rainbow colored Power Bait


Spring Green AND Orange Power Eggs (same colors, when combined on hook, as "rainbow' bait)

You'll knock 'em dead floating this off the bottom with 2 - 3' of leader and a small hook

Good luck


P.S. It's kid friendly, but wear BOOTS as the water level is LOW. And fish off of the Point closet to the big metal water outflow. Most fish caught fairly close to the bank, but some were also out a ways and took a bigger slip sinker to get too. There are also 28" to 30" steelhead in there. Saw one caught yesterday and measured it! It hit a mid sized gold colored Kastmaster spoon.
TroutSlayer said:
Anyone been down there the last day or two? Was thinking about takin my daughter down there tomarrow but don't really want to fight crowds

ABC is getting Stocked tomorrow or Thursday. So is JCP on Thursday. You can call the Leeberg Hatchery if you want to confirm which day for sure. Both should be hot by Friday. ABC is usually hot the day they stock it. JCP, usually give it 24 hours after it is stocked for the fish to get moving and hungry. For Alton Baker Canal, you could just take your daughter to the canal across from Kowloons Chinease resteraunt. It is pretty wide open there, and that is where most of the fish get dumped. It is crowded there on the weekends, but Thursday and Friday during the late moring and early afternoon would provide maximum fish fun with minimal crowds at ABC. brite powerbait floated up, or pautzki eggs below a bobber usualy do the trick pretty quickly. Good luck!
Thanks for the info.. i used to have a phone number to call to find out whats going to get stocked and what is confirmed stocked. But since my phone drowned i no longer have it. Anytips on what flies to use? been trying to fly fish more and trying to learn the tricks of the trade.
I called up to the hatchery this morning. AB is getting stocked on thursday. Something interesting the guy at the hatchery told me though. Last week they stocked the radio tower pond with 50 brooders last week. So just for the heck of it, I went out this morning to see if I could find the radio tower pond. I did, and eventually hooked into a brood I'm guessing was in the 10lb range. I've heard these fish's meat isn't the greatest, so I just let him go to let him live to see another day.
Where is that by the radio towers? The concrete ponds? Or is that even around Alton baker
Tips on flies to use

Tips on flies to use

TroutSlayer said:
Thanks for the info.. i used to have a phone number to call to find out whats going to get stocked and what is confirmed stocked. But since my phone drowned i no longer have it. Anytips on what flies to use? been trying to fly fish more and trying to learn the tricks of the trade.

I've never fished Alton Baker Canal so I don't know what would be best but if I were to fish it I'd strip a wooly bugger at different speeds and I bet they'll take it. I might also strip a march brown soft hackle pretty slow. A March Brown dry or emerger might do the trick too.
It's back a ways behind autzen stadium.
Search Autzen Stadium on Google Maps and it will show a great picture of the entire canoe canal including the pond.
K so the big pond fished it once with no luck,,, Ill be fishin that spot again next time wifey and kids go to science factory. Thanks again for the info and as for the ducks they can hold their own. In the famous words of forest gump "that's all I got to say about thaaat"
Left my house around 7 by bicycle in the pouring rain this morning to give the spillway under the freeway a try. Met Junglefrank down there and fished it with him for a bit. Got bites. I was fishing wooly buggers. Took off for the radio tower pond and still nothing. Home by 9. I'll have to try it again. I'd never fished the canal before. Looks like it could be fun when they're biting.

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