Hey Y'all
I was wondering if anyone knows much about fishing for SRC in the estuaries and bays of the north coast rivers like the Alsea. I thought it might be cool to try and do some summer or spring fishing for them similar to what they do up in the Puget sound, but I don't know a whole lot about accessibility or if it is even a possibility. If anyone has any links to anything useful about their behavior down here that would also be helpful, it seems like a lot has been written about SRC in the salt in the Puget sound area but I can find almost nothing talking about fishing for them in our estuaries.
I was wondering if anyone knows much about fishing for SRC in the estuaries and bays of the north coast rivers like the Alsea. I thought it might be cool to try and do some summer or spring fishing for them similar to what they do up in the Puget sound, but I don't know a whole lot about accessibility or if it is even a possibility. If anyone has any links to anything useful about their behavior down here that would also be helpful, it seems like a lot has been written about SRC in the salt in the Puget sound area but I can find almost nothing talking about fishing for them in our estuaries.