Spin fishers

There has to be a billion Fly Fishing web sites around the world but I can't seem to find one site dedicated to the spin angler (using a spinning reel and rod). Is it just me or are there other anglers that love to spin fish . I have tried google and most other search engines and can't seem to find any - any help would be greatly appreciated.
I feel ostracized in a world of fly anglers and fly sites, not that I don't fly fish but my love is the spinning reel and a ultra light or light rod. Thanks again for any information out there.

I'm a spin fisher too!!! With a special love for ultra-light gear, only I kind of cheat, I use braided line so I'm usually using 10lb test line with 2lb test diameter :cool:. I almost never loose lures, and I've never broken a fish off, ever.

Something funny thing I've noticed is that everyone always things the grass is greener on the other side. It seems fly fisherman think either lures are too easy and cheating. While far too often I find myself in situations where flies would be the easy ticket.
I fish spinners, and will start fly fishing soon but I prefer spinners over all others, and bait=never! I think there are more people starting to enjoy spinner fishing. For me the excitement is on par with dry fly fishing. Seeing that flash of the fishing hitting spinner and the tug on the line is electric. My flyfishing buddy and I want to write a book on combining fly fishing and spinner fishing techniques. We work the same water with me ahead of him. I make 4-6 casts on a hole and if theres no action I move on, where he spends more time working the hole. Seems to work out very well
Spin fishing

Spin fishing

I know what you mean, my son and I fish together and he fly fishes and I use my spinning gear...we share the same water and do equally well. Some times he kicks my butt and some times the game reverses, chris61182 I also use braided line, although I do use 6# on one of my rods and 4# on the other (Fireline) I tie my main line to a ball bearing swivel and from the swivel a 4.5 foot mono leader for just a hint of stretch. I love site fishing, see a fish rise and cast for it....nothing like the slam of a 19 inch Rainbow slamming a lure...well maybe a fish slamming a dry fly comes close ;) I just thought it was crazy that there wasn't some site dedicated to the art of spin fishing.
Maybe I should start a new site, or talk Anatoliy into a special section for spin fishing.....hummmmm We could call it...Trout Talk With Troutski, oh no wait a minute that already got me into trouble once before... ;):) as some of you already know.

When i was a youngster my Daddy bought me my first spinning reel, a closed face.................mite have been a Zebco........I remember it was a while before i joined up with the Cub Scouts.

In 1968 i bought me a Mitchell 300 spinning reel. Its still one of my favorites & still works well..................:). About 5 lustrums ago i started using baitcaster reels also at times......Favorite is my Garcia Ambassadeur.................werks fer me.....................:lol:
Spin Fishers

Spin Fishers

I guess their arn't as many spin fishers as I thought. That could be why I couldn't find any sites dedicated to the art. Thanks for the interest you paid any way...

I think there are TONS of spin fishers, especially judging by the gear I see everyone fishing with while I'm out. I just don't think it's something people readily identify themselves with like fly fishers do. It's just a means to an end.
I guess their arn't as many spin fishers as I thought.
Add one more light tackle spin fisher to your list Troutski. I have not been fishing for a long time, but the more I fish the more I love using ultra light rods. I like the idea of a challenge in controlling the fish. The only thing I find frustrating about spin reels is the twist that it can create in your line. I know the high end models have ways to prevent this, but I can't spend 100 bucks on a reel. I use limp mono, but I may try the braid idea. I am going to use ultra light tackle for SM bass this year and hope to have some reel hard fought battles. I just got a new 7' Quantum Teton UL from Fishermans for $14 . I can't wait to nail my first big SM on it. I say start a thread and lead the way Troutski. You kinda already have I guess.
Spinners kick ass they are my favorite go to way of fishing. It not really for everybody and neither is fly fishing and while learning to spinner fish frequent hangups occur. All in all spinners are the best and im very surprised there is not a dedicated site for us. oh well its nice that way:)
JTLunker said:
Add one more light tackle spin fisher to your list Troutski. I have not been fishing for a long time, but the more I fish the more I love using ultra light rods. I like the idea of a challenge in controlling the fish. The only thing I find frustrating about spin reels is the twist that it can create in your line. I know the high end models have ways to prevent this, but I can't spend 100 bucks on a reel. I use limp mono, but I may try the braid idea. I am going to use ultra light tackle for SM bass this year and hope to have some reel hard fought battles. I just got a new 7' Quantum Teton UL from Fishermans for $14 . I can't wait to nail my first big SM on it. I say start a thread and lead the way Troutski. You kinda already have I guess.

Spinning reels themselves don't twist your line- it's the lures that put the twist in. Spinners are the worst without a good swivel, any spoon that is trolled too fast will twist your line. Also a major line twister (and OPERATOR error) is turning the handle against a fish when the drag is slipping and you're NOT gaining any line when you turn the reel. With a 6:1 gear ratio, every turn of the handle is 6 twists in the line- it gets ugly real fast if you keep it up.
JTLunker said:
Add one more light tackle spin fisher to your list Troutski. I have not been fishing for a long time, but the more I fish the more I love using ultra light rods. I like the idea of a challenge in controlling the fish. The only thing I find frustrating about spin reels is the twist that it can create in your line. I know the high end models have ways to prevent this, but I can't spend 100 bucks on a reel. I use limp mono, but I may try the braid idea. I am going to use ultra light tackle for SM bass this year and hope to have some reel hard fought battles. I just got a new 7' Quantum Teton UL from Fishermans for $14 . I can't wait to nail my first big SM on it. I say start a thread and lead the way Troutski. You kinda already have I guess.

I too get line twist, but I have found a way to get rid of it. I use braided line for starters....after about thirty hours of trolling or casting lures I remove all terminal tackle ie: swivels, weights and such so there is only my main line along with about 10 yards of my favorite mono for stretch. At the end of the day I start the out board up and start letting out the line, it is slow at first but after you get a hundred feet or so out the water gives enough drag to pull the line off the reel. Once I get to the backing (another 10 yards of my favorite mono) I put the out board into neutral kill the engine and start winding it back on the reel with a med tight drag, if you want to go the extra mile; have a clean rag and give it a squirt of WD-40 or shrimp oil and clean your line while your winding it back on, running the line through the wet spot on the rag. Once you do this replace the leader and tie on a new swivel and your good to go. I have had the same line on my reels for over three years. After a year or so I remove the swivel and tie the mono to a spare spool and wind it on and WA-LAH new line with a leader. As you can see I have put a lot of time into this and have become rather good at spin fishing. I just love it......:dance::dance::clap: Top water action is just as exciting as it is for Bass anglers and Fly anglers alike, it is the same slam:cool:

Troutski said:
I guess their arn't as many spin fishers as I thought. That could be why I couldn't find any sites dedicated to the art. Thanks for the interest you paid any way...


I actually bought my first steelhead spinning rod yesterday and I can't wait to try it out, hopefully tomorrow. I have a couple of ultra-lights and they are always fun for trout and I'm sure the steelhead rod will be the same.
Purist spinner here. Conventional turn spools have advantages, but I don't need em. No desire at all to try fly fishing. Since my fave monos P-Line Fluoroclear & (older)Yozuri Hybrid both are stiff high memory, detwisting is a must. Lacking a boat to unspool from, one can do the same by walking the line off the spool in a clean lawn area. I like to have the line out of the guides retrieving through thumb & forefinger pressure with the line holding hand gripping the pole shaft as far out towards the first guide as comfortable. The two finger pressure point on the line helps not only to straighten the coils but wind the line tight onto the spool. Takes several repetitions usually depending on the severity of the twist coils.
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I troll 96.285% of the time and I have learned to use a lot of various techniques. Plus trolling is a lot like spin casting, in the equipment used. I have Luhr Jensen #4 'METRIC' lures that I remove the hook from and add a duo-snap in it's place, then 10" to 12" leader and a wedding ring then 8"-10" leader and then hook. This I use as an attractor in July and August when it is really hot. In the late winter-very early spring I start trolling "BIG" bladed stuff from Ford Fenders to Beer Cans etc and as the water temp goes up my blades get smaller and smaller. In between all of this I also user dodgers and bugs and am getting to like them better and better. They give a lot of action to my bait and they are easy to reel in with (hopefully with fish attached). Now I know this sounds completely crazy and is 700% over kill but I have been using 20lb Power Pro main line and then a #1 ball bearing swivel with duo-snap, then the first segment of leader is 12lb (for size) not for strength necissairly, the blade on my wedding ring spinns better with that size line, then the last piece of line is 6lb to the hook. I like the way the 20lb P/P fills the reel and I am having fun with how the fish fight and playing them on NO-STRETCH line. It is really cool when a trout peels line off my reel. Fishing 'Fun Meter' pegged all the way!
Spinning reels and spinners are the Way I learned to fish for salmon 15+ years ago. I have used it every year I fish for them and it has never failed to produce at least one fish if I caught anything. I use casting rods mainly now but still throw those spinners and still have the same amount of success. In the last 6 years, 38/52 salmon I landed were throwing spinners so they work just a little up here too.

There is one thing that works better for me but I have to get to the upper river sections to use it and I haven't been up there much. Won't tell what because that opens a whole new debate/fight so I will leave that for another time.
I use a mthod to de-twist my spinning lines similar to 1aB's technique. I tie on a b.bearing swivel, attatch a second to maximize spin, attatch to a fence on the edge of my property, flip the bail and walk to the other end of the pasture (you can do this in a park or other large grassy area). I use a piece of soft leather to pinch the line between thumb and forefinger, which enables a tighter pinch without the friction burns on your fingers, grasp above last two guides on rod and reel back to swivels using the flex of the rod to tension the line going back onto the spool. The line goes on more evenly than if I didn't use the rod guides and usually once does the trick. Have tried line winders in the past and still get twist and so far this method works the best for me.
Best anti-line twist method ever

Best anti-line twist method ever

I too am a primarily spin fisher! When I notice line twist building up, I cross the river (either wading or over a bridge) so the water is flowing the other way, then resume fishing normally! The water flowing backwards un-twists the line! :D If it starts twisting agin, cross back to the original bank!! You can fish all day like this! It even works when trolling lures start twisting. Just troll in reverse!:lol:
Lotsa good ideas here! For those of you throwing lures on spinning reels and haven't tried, would like to suggest that detwisting line regularly can make a big difference in decreasing the occurrence of those pesky casting tangles.
a little late

a little late

Myself I have realized I am a true flyfishermen ( streamers and drys ) at heart, fought it for a long time becouse hardware is just so darn effective, but day in and day out I produce better with my fly rod. That being said, my dad is the jimmy page of spin fishing, so here are a few line kink tricks
1. At random times during your day take off you lure ( especially if you are using spoons ) put a sinker on the swivel and cast and retrieve several times, at the end of the day cast into a grass field or similar area and walk out the retrieve to release tension.
3. put swivel on your line, make a leader half as long as your pole, put on another swivel then use 6 inches of leader to your presentation.
4. don't buy cheap line
5. out of tune spinners will wreak havoc on your line, so tune your gear.

well Im sure Im destine for fly fishing hell now but take your treble hooks and do well my friends-
A friend just reminded me...I used to flesh fly up in AK, and brought the idea back to Oregon...Our "Flesh Flies" had trebles, so I had a couple Salmon patterns tied up with a very small treble stinger years back. Worked like a champion! Too bad I forgot who tied them, but I'm sure I could push one out of the memory banks...

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