I just visited the Oregon Bass & Panfish Club's website and learned that they constructed and then deployed spider block structures on March 5th throughout the lake. First off, THANK YOU to them for doing this! Hagg receives a lot of attention, as it should, for being a great rainbow trout fishery, but it has always held warm water species as well. I want to say that I read somewhere in this forum awhile back that previous artificial structures had been removed from the lake a few years back, so hopefully this will give anglers target areas to fish again. So, do any of you happen to know where these structures were put in the lake? Hagg is vast and one could spend a lot of time staring at a sonar screen looking for them, which I will do if I must, but some pointers would sure help! It would also give the trout guys a heads up of areas where they might want to check their trolling depth before they get all their gear snagged in the structures, I've done it on other lakes and it can ruin a great day of fishing real quick.
Again, thank you to OBPC members Ray Arkus, Michael Clardy, Don Davis, Bill Egan, Jim Gruber, Bud & Marcia Hartman, Dennis Isaacson, Bob Judkins, Russ Miyada, Tom Nelson and Mark Van Duser. Special thanks to Rich Tombleson, Garry White and friends for providing the boats to transport and place the blocks. Overseeing the project were Tom Murtagh, ODFW Area Biologist, and Gary Galovich, ODFW Westside Warmwater Biologist. If any of you guys are members here, job well done!
Again, thank you to OBPC members Ray Arkus, Michael Clardy, Don Davis, Bill Egan, Jim Gruber, Bud & Marcia Hartman, Dennis Isaacson, Bob Judkins, Russ Miyada, Tom Nelson and Mark Van Duser. Special thanks to Rich Tombleson, Garry White and friends for providing the boats to transport and place the blocks. Overseeing the project were Tom Murtagh, ODFW Area Biologist, and Gary Galovich, ODFW Westside Warmwater Biologist. If any of you guys are members here, job well done!