Snake River;Oregon side, a video.

Looks like we need to add the above listing; The Snake River Oregon side. Here's a video of a channel cat my son caught awhile back. This was his first larger channel cat. :dance:


Nice cat! Where were you guys at?
I'm not exactly sure where. Somewhere downstream of Brownlee Reservoir?

Oh, I used to go camping at snake river every year. Havent gone in 3 years though :think: I remember my dad used to go in his little blow up boat, row out to the middle of the river and drop his line a bottom rig with chicken liver, And row back. He would let it sit and when He got a fish, He would get the rod and jump back into his little boat and row into the middle and get it back. We caught 4 or 5 Big! 30+ inch Catfish like that. Wish I could go back this year.


My Uncle Dick told me that when he was in his '20s, he lived on the lower Mississippi. A friend took him out catfishin' and the way his friend showed him was amazing. It was maybe legal to harvest them that way, back in the 1940s.
Anyway, they rowwed out in a flat-bottomed boat, he told me, and proceeded to throw empty one gallon glass Clorox Bleach jugs into the water, with heavy pound line on, a big hook, & chicken liver. They would wait until a fish dragged the jugs underwater long enough to become exhausted. When the jugs quit getting yanked under the fish was ready to be pulled up! What a harvest method.:lol:
That sounds like a real good time, TB! A friend of mine marked on GoogleEarth his favorite catfish hole on the Oregon Snake.

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farewell bend

farewell bend

Last July we stayed at Farewell bend on the snake outside of Ontario Oregon and I caught 4 24" cats while fishing for crappie. All were caught on a naked crappie jig in shallow water close to the bank in an area with lots of rock piles. Then caught a 30" at Owyhee resevoir on a plastic salamander while fishing for bass, who knew.
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