Slow on Odell

We got to the lake at 5:30 am and it was like glass only with fish jumping everywhere. It had to be a sure thing! But it wasn't :( We caught two fish all morning while us newbies were trying to figure out how to do this jigging for kokes thing. Then again it might not had been us, no body was catching, what's the deal with those fish? The wind picked up mid morning and we started to drift with worms and corn on the bottom and we picked up a few more and then all of sudden the wind stopped and the kokes were jumping all over the place. We all switched to pink and orange gibbs and crippled herring and started to cast at every fish that jumped out of the water. For whatever reason that was the ticket..BAM fish on....BAM another and another. We had a hot bite and caught 15, the wind picked up again and that was it for the day. Over all talking with other anglers it was a slow bite today. Most anglers only managed 3-5 fish per boat so I guess we came out alright!


Nice to see you smiling, that Spring time wind. Where did you launch at? Was there much algae yet?

Very nice

Very nice

Love the expressions on your children's faces. :D Looks like they will be giving you some competition soon. :dance: :clap:
Thanks for the report. Hopefully it will encourage others to get out there.
Be safe.
Nice to see you smiling, that Spring time wind. Where did you launch at? Was there much algae yet?


No algae yet, water was quite clear, launched at shelter cove. Had the wind stayed down after we finally figured things out I think we would have came out with a lot more. I through mine on the grill as soon as I got home, a great reward fro getting up at 245 am.
Odell definitely picked up this weekend! A lot of guys at the shelter cove end were saying the bite was dead, but down at princess creek the guys camped next to us kept nearly 200 fish! they spent 4 hours one day, and three the next, doing nothing but cleaning fish. We also did well, didn't limit, but between three of us over the course of two days had 55 fish on ice getting ready for the grill and smoker. Best tasting lake fish I've ever had. Well worth the terrible line twist those little acrobats put on my reel.
Were you jigging or trolling?
The people next to you in camp were they jigging if so did you ask them what they were using.
Planning on going to Odell in 2 weeks any info would help.
Thanks David
Oh dang I don't remember lol that was two years ago! Couldn't tell you what I did last week... Probably jigging but can't recall deets, sorry.
We went over memorial weekend and there was still a ton of snow around, so no camping for us. Weather was very cold, so pack heavy. Trolled for a few hours and only landed 1. Didn't see anyone else trolling, just jigging or casting from boats. Didn't see a lot brought in as well. I typically troll with a super duper at about 30 feet and have caught some nice ones.
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