Siuslaw winters

Went looking for Winters today on the Slaw...the river is very brown and high. A couple folks out plunking. I tried for about 2 hours, but the water was just too full of debris and fast.

Maybe tomorrow...
Anyone else out on the Slaw lately?
I'm waiting for it to drop, I have thursday and friday off from work, so if it comes down a bit I might hit it, but I've got a broken ankle so i'm kinda limited for now. Don't think I'll put the boat in, will stick to the bank, and if it's too brown, I'll just jump over to lake creek, which should be in better shape.
I'm waiting for it to drop, I have thursday and friday off from work, so if it comes down a bit I might hit it, but I've got a broken ankle so i'm kinda limited for now. Don't think I'll put the boat in, will stick to the bank, and if it's too brown, I'll just jump over to lake creek, which should be in better shape.

I went yesterday. Chocolate milk from Brickerville up through towards Whittakker and the other way towards Deadwood was clearer, but reall y fast and high. All I got was a 10 inch baby on a pink worm. Only about 5 people fishing with none on the bank. Went to EC today w/out any bites, but these fly fisherman were slaying them left and right. I'll get mine soon.
one nate c&r'd way up lake creek. one fish in green creek trap. probably 10 in front of whittaker trap. main river was still really brown and starting to come up again this am. didn't stick around to fish it. went to deadwood and worked up river and was rewarded with a tug.
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