Simple way to attach leader to fly line

I'm sure someon else has probably done this or even posted this on here before, but its a neat trick.
This morning I was getting my gear ready to go toss a coupe flies for practice, and I couldn't get any line string or anything to do with fishign to do what I wanted. Lines, wire, and rope are the embodiment of murphy's law that if something can go wrong it will. First a knot while buffing the line conditioner off, then I was out of leader..... now I am all frustated and having trouble tying my knots(and I thought I had gotten over that). I come down to attatching my leader to line and I just give up.

I took out my fly tying bobbing grabbed the fly line, string, and leader in my thumbs and forefngers and started turning it round and round sing the centrifugal force of the bobbing spinning around the lines to feed the thread out of the bobbin. This didn't hold well enough so I re-wrapped it this time folding the tag end of keader back onto itself then twirled the bobbing some more. Next a small dab of fingernail polish to keep the top layer from fraying. It will come off with nail polish remover, but I just barely scraped the thread with a shap razor and it came off no problem.
I'm never going to wory about my knot not holding again not to mention no tag end no wind resistance..
I have seen this method. In a video. A simple nail knot will do. or a loop to loop connection for shooting heads. Dont complicate it. Time spent on the bank tying is time lost fishin ya know :)
Interesting but sounds more difficult than making a nail knot!! :think:
Obviously this doesn't help when you are on the bank and cold and shivering and hating life, but... a piece of 20 lb. mono, with a perfection loop in the end, and nail knotted to the end of your fly line makes it so you never have to tie your leader to your line at all. Instead of mono off a spool, you can always use the fat end of an old leader so as well - that way it comes with the loop already in place. If you dont trust your nail knot ability - take it into any fly shop.

When your leader is in bad shape, you just undo the loop to loop, and slide another leader in. I have been working on the same mono loop on my workhorse 5 wt for 3 years or so.
Same apllies to skagit shooting heads. Trust me, ya dont want to go snipin the head off one of those every leader change :)
As I said before my lines were not working for me from the get go.
I tie a good nailnot normally, thus the reason why I don't use a loop to loop connection, but when I am already frusterated such as already having had to get a nasty tangle out of my line my fingers turn into boxing gloves and it is next to impossible for me to tie even a simple cinch knot without shouting profanities and waking up the whol side of the lake.
As for streamside... it works fine. I usually carry a bobin and thread in my fly tying box and usually have that within shouting distance of where I am fishing. That and I don't think I have ever hads to replace a whole leader all the way up to the butt while out fishing before.
As for removing without cutting read where I said nail polish not super glue(what the guy in the video did), and read where I said I just had to score the thread with a razor blade not even scratching the actual line.
I was never suggesting someone should use this as their prefered method as it isn't mine, but it worked fine for me that morning.
I recently viewed a copy of Ed Ward in "Skagit Masters" and he did a very methodical method of making loop ends on lines and line to line connections. Kind of a boring video but I didn't have much to do at the time.

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