Line to leader knot

Curious if you like to nail knot or use a loop connection type system to attach your leader to your fly line? :think:

This pertains to fishing for steelhead. Trout I'll go either way, whatever is convenient at the time, but steelhead I will only use a nail knot... just my thing.

I'm just bored tying leaders and it popped in my head... thanks for playing.
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I use a nail knot to a piece of 30# mono that has a loop on it or I tie my leader to the mono with a blood knot. I prefer the blood knot method since it has a smaller profile in the air and catches less debris in the water when I'm swinging a fly.

Just me,

nail knot, on my single hand rod. Haven't had one fail yet, even on kings. I prefer to have the smallest knots available in the water for less drag, then I know I'm getting down. Loops seem to catch debris on me.
Albright is what I use if I dont have a loop. Its so much easier to tie an I think its smaller.
I like that one! Never tried it, think I might now.
I use a nail knot. I dont like the hynging that occurs during long roll casts with a loop to loop connection :)
loop to loop,you dont have to cut off your WF taper as you add leader
hehe...bigsteel and I were just talking about this last night. He generously gave me some new line (333, I believe) and we were discussing that. Reason is I was having trouble getting the nail knot right. Last night I put the new line on and did 2 perfect nail knots, one from backing to line and line to leader...yay...but in the process I lost a few inches of line, so I think I will take it to Mitch and have a loop put on....By the way, was just out in the driveway playing with my new line...SWEEEEEEEEET!!!! Thanks Dave, your a great friend.
I like a nailess nail knot. Very easy to tie without tools and finishes just like a nail knot. I always tie a piece of heavy line directly to my fly line and my leaders are either tied or looped to that.

See google for instructions on nailess nail knot. I learned about it from a cortland video years ago but I'm sure you can see it tied on you tube.
Another Albright vote. I don't fly fish but I do attach fluorocarbon or mono leaders to the end of my braid for low vis and shock resistance. If you want the lowest profile knot out there the albright is it because the tag ends of the line shoot back parallel with your main line unlike a blood knot that is at a 90 degree angle. I love how this knot sails through my low profile micro guides and never picks up debris. Plus it's way stronger when used with fluorocarbon because it doesn't have very good knot tying characteristics. The heavier line incases the lighter leader at the knot and protects it from abrasion as well.
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what her said
jawjacker said:
........the tag ends of the line shoot back perpendicular with your main line unlike a blood knot that is at a 90 degree angle........

Perpendicular IS 90 Degree angle!?

My understanding of the Albright knot is that the main line is doubled back unlike the nail knot so I see that as a larger profile knot. Am I missing something?
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Perpendicular IS 90 Degree angle!?
Woops parallel was the word I was looking for thanks for correcting me. Like I said in my original post I am not a fly fisherman so I am not familiar with the nail knot. What I was referring to was which knot I prefer between the blood & albright knot for attaching leader material which I am very familiar with. Just my two cents take it for what its worth. Guess Ill check out the nail knot now and see if I can apply it to any applications I use.
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