Siletz steelhead

Caught this fish at Moonshine park on Siletz this weekend and it was my second time fishing at Moonshine. The bonus was I found the spinner hangin out of his mouth while snorkeling during the heat of the day. There was probably 150 people floating and swimming at the park on Sat. Great people watching and tips like "You can't catch steelhead out of the siletz on spinners, mainly people use shrimp and eggs".
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Reactions: JeannaJigs
Nice looking fish bro:cool::cool::cool: That thing is bright and shiny:D
Heck yeah! Love catching fish when idiots tell you it can't be done!! That's a nice fish fr sure!
nice fish! i have been told that a lot this year while fishing in the hardest most brushy arears and have pulled or hooked a fish each time in front of em. good lookin fishy!
I hooked 4 - 40 pound nooks once at that park...all on an all black spinner. "They" said that it couldn't be done either...LOL!

Nicely done. Man, that thing is as shiny a new nickel!
very nice, very nice
That fish is BRIGHT.
chroooome! very nice fish way to get after em
Awesome fish on a beautiful river.
Nice one! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks everyone. The fish didn't fight very hard for being so bright but sure tasted good.
Probably wore out from dodging the pool party.
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