so I went to the siletz on sat with my brother father in law and nephew some jack ass took down the boundry sign and we ended up fishing about 1/4 mile above the falls we did not even know it was there It was our first time there we got out my nephew hooked into and landed a native then released it then the adults all got 75$ tickets urgggggggggg so we decided to fish some more where it was legal and my nephew got his first keeper A 28 inch 10 pound buck wooohoooo good for him that made the trip worth it now i have to go to court and my chances of working for odfw are now in jepordy any way he got his fish on a mepps brown spoted spinner i fig I will make the best of a bad thing and took a day off work for court and after court i am going fishing wooooooohoooooooo p.s. if you see any one taking down signs beat there asssssss cause if i c anyone doing it thats what i am gonna do