Siletz report

Hit the Siletz today with GraphiteZen. Water is a pleasant steelhead green, about 5 ft, and fishing is good. I caught 1 and missed another. Vid is up now!
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good job...

seems like the fish are further south. i can't find them here...
Yeah that was fun! That UV stuff is something else... They weren't overly aggressive today as it wanting to really attack and bite the lure but we saw a ton of fish rolling onto and chasing the baits when they got near.... If you cast one of the TCO Spinners into a whole you will know immediatly if there is fish there. I am convinced and will soon be placing my order!!!!!

Thanks man! We're going again soon right?
yeah, them spinners are great. now i gotta find some fish to throw at...

where's the video?
What I like about Kodiak's spinners is that I can literally feel every spin of a blade. And the blade rotates when I work the spinner veeeeery slooooow. Good job, TCO! :clap:

where's the video?
Anatoliy said:
What I like about Kodiak's spinners is that I can literally feel every spin of a blade. And the blade rotates when I work the spinner veeeeery slooooow. Good job, TCO! :clap:

where's the video?

100% agreed. That was one of the first comments I made, how much I liked the blade and how well it spun. :clap::clap:


so I went to the siletz on sat with my brother father in law and nephew some jack ass took down the boundry sign and we ended up fishing about 1/4 mile above the falls we did not even know it was there It was our first time there we got out my nephew hooked into and landed a native then released it then the adults all got 75$ tickets urgggggggggg so we decided to fish some more where it was legal and my nephew got his first keeper A 28 inch 10 pound buck wooohoooo good for him that made the trip worth it now i have to go to court and my chances of working for odfw are now in jepordy any way he got his fish on a mepps brown spoted spinner i fig I will make the best of a bad thing and took a day off work for court and after court i am going fishing wooooooohoooooooo p.s. if you see any one taking down signs beat there asssssss cause if i c anyone doing it thats what i am gonna do
fishhunter28 said:
so I went to the siletz on sat with my brother father in law and nephew some jack ass took down the boundry sign and we ended up fishing about 1/4 mile above the falls we did not even know it was there It was our first time there we got out my nephew hooked into and landed a native then released it then the adults all got 75$ tickets urgggggggggg so we decided to fish some more where it was legal and my nephew got his first keeper A 28 inch 10 pound buck wooohoooo good for him that made the trip worth it now i have to go to court and my chances of working for odfw are now in jepordy any way he got his fish on a mepps brown spoted spinner i fig I will make the best of a bad thing and took a day off work for court and after court i am going fishing wooooooohoooooooo p.s. if you see any one taking down signs beat there asssssss cause if i c anyone doing it thats what i am gonna do

First of all, fight it. Second of all, you didn't by chance suggest to the game warden some sort of makeshift notification so nobody else makes the same mistake? I wonder if he did anyways.. :whistle:
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nice :clap:
Nice fish- Thanks for the video, it is always just like being there.
great! thnx for the vid.


You are all welcome. I'm going to do a couple more fun ones, then we will start with how to read water, then techniques and end up with some cooking vids.
yeah, how to read water vid, (aka where to find fish)!

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