Side Drifting Rod?

I have a question for all of you side drifters and drift fisherman out there! Would you rather fish a (9'0', 8-12 lb, fast action, medium-light power) or (9'0', 6-10 lb, fast action, medium-light power) rod for the rivers where you live? Just wondering if I should add the 6-10 pound to our line of steelhead rods! Thanks for the help. :D

most of the side drifter i knw myself included run 9'6" 6-10 or 8-12 or if the water is hight we run 6-15. i like the 9'6" 6-10 little more feel an a slower acoin rod is best for sidedrifting. because the boat and your bait should be drifting at the same pace down the river . as a fish picks up your bait your bait will stop or start to move up stream. and you and the boat will still be going down stream so you dont realy want to set the hook just lift your rod and with the nice long lite rod with a slow acoin . as the rod starts to loads a nice slow rod will flex more evan than a fast acoin and give you a good evan power full hook set so that wenn your drag brakes loss your rod is fulley loaded . it will give you a beter over al hook set that a fast rod where the upper secshoin does most of the work you get a sorter reacoin time to slow the boat down will that fish is riping up river . unless the fish turns and come down rive witch is more comon with a fat acoin rod whitch can be a problem
espeshaly if you have unexperanched sidedrifts in your boat. well I hope this helps Thanks Dan
Well I wouldn't think having a 9'6" in a boat to be a big difference from the 9'0" but in any case we already have a 9'6" 8-12lb rod. I know a lot of guys down here use rogue rods for side drifting in 9'0" 6-12. Thanks for the input!!
in my boat we use 9'6, 9', and 8'6 rods for sidedrifting - from #4-8, #6-10, #6-12, and #8-12.
Sweet!! Thanks, how has the clack been lately? We are looking at making a trip up there in the next month if its good! :)
pm sent
The extra 6" is great not just for drifting but for spoons as well!
9', 4-8lb or 9'6", 6-10 lb Rogue rods work good for me. Caught springers on these rods last year while fishing for summer runs! :clap:
Hey Chad,
I have a pair of Rogue SS904S rods. 9 ft. 6-10 lb. 1/4-1/2 oz. med. pwr mod action.
They are my go to sidedrifters. I feel they are perfect for the rivers i fish. Maybe a little more rod than you need for the average 5-10 lb Rogue winters but i can (and do) take these rods to places like the Eel, Smith, Chetco, Umpqua, etc... where fish in the teens are fairly common and fish em with confidense. They also are a very nice rod for throwing spinners and spoons for Coho.

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