Shank tubing and plastic beads

Hey guys,

My company which sells environmentally friendly fishing tackle will soon be stocking lure-making parts (spinners and spoons). We like this approach because a) it cuts down on plastic packaging b) people can make plastic and lead-free spinners c) it's cheaper for the consumer and d) it's a beautiful craft.

What we don't want to stock, is the shank tubing and plastic beads that are sometimes used. Yes, it's a small (and some might say negligible) amount, however, we feel that we don't need to throw plastics into the river when it's not necessary. But, we have heard people make the argument that shank tubing can be more effecive (such as a silver-plated #4 spinner with orange/red shank tubing and tape on the inside of the blade for winter steelhead).

We have been in contact with a couple of plastic manufacturers who make biodegradable plastics (straws, cups, flat wear, etc.) as we are thinking that something along the lines of a biodegradable cocktail straws might suit this purpose. The trade-off of course is that the shank tubing would not last as long--maybe a season or two (if the hook is attached with a split ring than that's no big deal).

I would be curious to know, who uses shank tubing and do you find it to be more aesthetic or does it produce higher success rates? Would you be comfortable using biodegradable shank tubing (a bit stiffer and would need to be replaced if you don't lose your lure in the first year or two)? Does anyone use plastic beads or do you use painted brass beads (I prefer brass even without considering the environmental impacts)?

Thanks for anyone with any insights.
Hmm, I was gonna try some plastic bead jigs, but maybe glass would be greener?
Yes. I like painted brass for the weight. Glass is another idea if you want the color but not the weight. Personally, I don't like using any plastic (or lead) on something I'm going to lose in the water. And believe me, I lose my share of spinners ;)
Glass beads...

Glass beads...

I use glass beads when ever I make spinners, as far as the chunk of plastic or rubber tubing on the shank of the hook...I don't think it adds to the strike rate, but on that note my fishing partner uses it on all his hooks and swears by it. Come on chime in Bentrod...give it up, is there a difference in your hook ratio -vs- someone that doesn't use it? Remember I fish with you so watch the flying bull-ship;)


Your other option could be selling fresh water pearls. These are farm raised pearls and if you buy them in bulk from Chinese producers they are cheaper than plastic beads. They come in every color, size and are heavier than the plastic ones. One down fall is that the holes on the pearls are quite small, as a result you can pretty much use them with strings at small gauges (.018 the most). That's why I use them for wedding ring spinners or use a fine tip dremmel to extend the hole for larger spinners...
If you talk to a producer and explain your needs, I'm sure they will work out a deal, when you buy in large quantities. Most Chinese producers sell on Ebay and are easy to communicate....

My 2 cents...
There are times when plastic tubing is indeed a necessity. In my humble opinion it's more of a preference when used on casting spinners and a must for trolling spinners. The reason being, trolling spinners a mostly taken from behind, especially when it's a bead configuration. The tubing is integral to keeping the hook in-line with the spinner wire aiding in the hook up as the spinner is struck from behind. Regardless of the colour used the tubing plays a very important role in the effectiveness of a trolled spinners performance.

Glass beads are a fantastic idea to replace plastic beads, however much of the time plastic beads are used it's for a specific reason; namely to help meet the weight & body length to blade ratios. I would have no problem swapping out glass for plastic as long as the weight doesn't become a detriment to the spinners action.
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Very helpful. Thanks guys.

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