Scouting Mission

We decided to hit Lookout tomorrow so we're not at too much of a disadvantage come fishoff time. S'posed to be a great day, can't think of a better way to enjoy it!:D
Cheers, Dan
Lookout Report

Lookout Report

Great day on the water! We checked out the whole lake.
Good thing I took a chicken out of the freezer, no catchin' today.
Hope it doesn't take too long to kill the 2010 skunk.:pray:
Man this year because of legal reasons i won't be out chasing the stocker truck for something to do like I did last year. Dexters stocker sure helped me get to know the boat and how to effectively and uneffectively troll for trout. Dexter also cost me my boating privalages and a good chunk of change but as the weather gets good I can't be out on that water till june. Good luck any one who hits it but i will be hiding on the less used water.
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