Saturday in the Siuslaw

We went over Saturday Morning and got there before daylight. Bought our parking pass and headed for the boat launch in Mapleton. Got in the water by 7:30 or so and went a few hundred yards up stream to what we call the bear cub hole (the Bear cub hole has speacial meaning for Jon, Myself and an over friendly Black Bear Cub). Started fishing, me with my favorite sand shrimp and Jon with his eggs. Next thing I know is he has a fish on. It was a nice Coho Jack so we turned it loose, and that is how it went most of the day. Jon got 4 Coho Jacks and one Dark Chinook adult that we let go as we didn't want to eat it. Yes it was very dark for this early on the Siuslaw. I got a total of 1 Jack. Oh ya, Jon got 1 Chinook Jack that he and his family will be eating soon. Lots of action, but few Chinook. Lots of fish everywhere, but I think they are 85% or more were Coho. We tried to out last them but they just kept coming. The last fish Jon caught was a 6 inch or so Cut Throat Trout. Never got one of them in that part of tide water before. It wasn't a smolt, it was a nice little Cutty. Anyway we had a great day catching and releaseing, and I am sure Jon will let me go again so I can net all his fish. I heard Jeanna was on the river Saturday. I can't wait to hear how she did. Tight Lines, Qwa, Dan
Jeanna did not do good saturday OR sunday...and she fished hard both days. She is angry with the river gods right now, they have let her down.

Saw fish caught both days. Yesterday there were quite a few chinook caught.

Tried trolling the lower river on incoming with herring...pulled out...put in at mapleton on slack and fished slack and outgoing with a float and shrimp..switching up with eggs and a shrimp egg sandwich...and nada. Finally just started throwing random crap at 'em...big spinners....kwikfish...nothing.

I don't know if i'll be fishin' the tidewater again this year, coho will be in the lakes, so that will be my focus, easy pickings for the grill..and if we get enough rain i'll fish the banks of the 'slaw upriver...but this weekend was probably it. Might make one more trip, but that's up in the air.
JeannaJigs said:
I don't know if i'll be fishin' the tidewater again this year, coho will be in the lakes, so that will be my focus, easy pickings for the grill..

What lakes would those be?
Siltcoos is one of them.
Teo said:
What lakes would those be?

Siltcoos and Tahkenitch.

Mostly Tahkenitch, Siltcoos has become an overpopulated zoo.
JeannaJigs said:
Siltcoos and Tahkenitch.

Mostly Tahkenitch, Siltcoos has become an overpopulated zoo.

What methods do you use there?
My buddy trolls wiggle warts and says he catches quite a few.
Spinners, herring, plugs, they will most likely hit anything out there! :)
The majority of people use plugs on the lakes.
Guess I was looking for more detail... :D
What types of plugs/colors.. spinners... etc...
Just curious.
I wonder if the newer Kwikfish in 9x and 11x Xtreme would work well? :cool:
As far as plugs go, I have been using orange/black, a chartreuse/green, and a metallic pink religiously since the inception of the wild coho season several years ago...and have limited usually in two trips every year. Can take one fish a day, 5 a year. I have never caught them on herring in the lakes,I see it as it's a fresh water lake, and it's not a natural occurance on the fresh water food chain. Pretty sure the only reason they hit plugs is because they're angry, you get it in their face and they don't like it, they're not really feeding. They're just really aggressive easy to catch fish. I have caught a few tossing spinners in the siltcoos river, chartreuse #4, same size in neon orange with a black blade works too. The thing about these lakes is they're only 15 feet deep, with 10 feet of you do the math there...The fish are right at the surface, usually only 3-4 feet deep, and they generally hug the shoreline on both lakes, particularly tahkenitch. It's really too easy.
Mike123 said:
Guess I was looking for more detail... :D
What types of plugs/colors.. spinners... etc...
Just curious.
I wonder if the newer Kwikfish in 9x and 11x Xtreme would work well? :cool:
kwikfish in the same colors i mentioned work well, trolled semi slow, compared to the hot shots/wigglers. These fish compared to chinook, like a quick troll, and they hit hard, they're hard to miss a hookset on.
JeannaJigs have you ever tried the Bone colored on any of those fish in tach or siltcoos?
fishin_fool said:
JeannaJigs have you ever tried the Bone colored on any of those fish in tach or siltcoos?
I have, have not had any success, though the searun cutts seem to love that color late in the day towards dusk for some reason.
Never had any luck for winter fish with it but have caught summer fish on the mac and willy in wiggle wart... dying to try it for coho and fall nooks
JeannaJigs said:
kwikfish in the same colors i mentioned work well, trolled semi slow, compared to the hot shots/wigglers. These fish compared to chinook, like a quick troll, and they hit hard, they're hard to miss a hookset on.

Hmm.. they are only 3-4 ft. deep huh?
I wonder if eggs/bait under a float would take a fish?
Fly fishing may also be a good trick! When is it gonna get good? PM me. :D
I want to fish those lakes. Have for years but never ended up doing it.
JeannaJigs said:
I have, have not had any success, though the searun cutts seem to love that color late in the day towards dusk for some reason.

Ty JeannaJigs I will have to give it a try this weekend with my little bro on the siletz and see what happens... Finally get to move back to the wonderful Oregon Coast
hey jeanna jigs we should start a siltcoos thread there coming soon iv herd or a few being landed we need more rain so they will open the damn

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