Sandy River Steelhead ?

I have the next two days off and was thinking about hitting the lower Sandy river for some winter steelhead. Is it too early yet or are there some winter fish in the river?
allford said:
I have the next two days off and was thinking about hitting the lower Sandy river for some winter steelhead. Is it too early yet or are there some winter fish in the river?

There has been word of some hanging around but I would say go LOW really LOW closer to the mouth the better if you ask me
I walked the lower part of the river a few weeks ago and I was thinking about hitting the powerline hole by the mouth.
hi couldnt help but notice your location is damascus i personally have been kicking around going after some winter steelys you would probrably have abetter chance at a fish down at the mouth of eagle creek or plunkin at meldrum bar thats just my two cents if your wanting to fish the sandy though the earlier reply you got was dead on good luck and nail one for me im workn in the morn:)
One of my friends got a 10Lb hen the day after Thanksgiving and he watched the owner of Jack's Snack and Tackle get a monster of a steely. They estimated it was around 20Lbs. Both fish where taken on spinners near Jack's shop and both where native. There are definitely fish in the river. As far as what water to fish I'd say there's going to be fish in the Clackamas, Eagle, Sandy, Willamette, Columbia all over. Just go to the place your most familiar with until you here some other place is really heating up. Or... the other way to look at it if you can't decide where to fish and no place seems to be fishing better than the other go someplace you have never been and find the holes to come back to when you here the fishing is good there. Nothing wrong with a scouting day. Good luck!
allford said:
I have the next two days off and was thinking about hitting the lower Sandy river for some winter steelhead. Is it too early yet or are there some winter fish in the river?

Never too early to fish the lower Sandy for Steelhead. A little early to catch a keeper winter fish down there, but I would go if I were you. In fact I just might. Better chances of gettin' into some wild fish though for sure!
Fishtopher said:
Never too early to fish the lower Sandy for Steelhead. A little early to catch a keeper winter fish down there, but I would go if I were you. In fact I just might. Better chances of gettin' into some wild fish though for sure!

Ok good so we going there friday then?


bigdog said:
Ok good so we going there friday then?

And Saturday, and Sunday, and Monday if the kids have a snow day!:dance::pray:
Sweet what part and what time friday thinking over by I84 to start out
Snow Day....

Snow Day....

Fishtopher said:
And Saturday, and Sunday, and Monday if the kids have a snow day!:dance::pray:

Snow day....what a great way to spend a day. I know I will; must try out my new lures...



I love snow... if it snows like 4 ft, and it all melts, then we will all be in a gigantic shallow lake and all the fishies will swim up to our driveways! :cool:
Since I lack a great deal of fishing knowledge, is the sandy's winter run as big as the coho run?


I ended up fishing the lower Sandy Wednesday and Thursday mornings. I saw 2 steelhead heading up river Wednesday and none Thursday. I did find 2 spots where someone had recently cleaned a fish on wednesday so someone got luckey earlier in the week. I am still learning how to drift fish so i may not be the most reliable river source. I was told by a guy I met that the owner of Jacks snack and tackle caught a nice one under the brige by his store. If nothing else I got some practice drift fishing. From the number of forked sticks stuck in the bank it looks like I found a popular spot. Nice that I was alone both days. I like fishing so much better durring the week. Then I dont look like a tool while I am trying to figure out what I am doing. :)
Well be sure there was more then what you saw there. If you see a couple then there is more and that is good news some of the run is starting to show up now will only get better. I think I'm going to be heading to the lower part of the sandy in the morning if you come out maybe will see you good luck and keep trying.
i will ne there this morning. blue rain gear and a black stocking cap or blacck baseball cap with afp racing on it. Good luck!
I'm going to be starting out by I84 be showing up in blue 89 jeep cerikee hope to see you out there
bigdog said:
I'm going to be starting out by I84 be showing up in blue 89 jeep cerikee hope to see you out there

Did you have a dog with you today? I was down river a ways from the railroad bridge until about 11:30. I didn't catch anything today but watched a guy on my side of the river catch suckers and a 20 inch sturgeon. There was one other guy fishing there also on the other side with a dog. I drifted until I got cold and then tried plunking for the first time while I warmed up. I still have a lot to learn but I guess every time out I learn something new.
definitely rare!

definitely rare!

allford said:
Did you have a dog with you today? I was down river a ways from the railroad bridge until about 11:30. I didn't catch anything today but watched a guy on my side of the river catch suckers and a 20 inch sturgeon. .

Aha!! I knew someday I would hear about it! My story is on the forum here somewhere, but I hooked into a pretty big sturgie at the old burn barrell plunkin' hole some while back and always knew that more people musta hooked into em there, I just never talked to anyone who had. Hmm, musta been usin some kind of shrimp for bait...did ya check?

Had to be neat to see!
Fishtopher said:
Aha!! I knew someday I would hear about it! My story is on the forum here somewhere, but I hooked into a pretty big sturgie at the old burn barrell plunkin' hole some while back and always knew that more people musta hooked into em there, I just never talked to anyone who had. Hmm, musta been usin some kind of shrimp for bait...did ya check?

Had to be neat to see!

I had to talk to him. He was there with line in the water for only 30 min before he got that baby dinasaur. The nerve of him! I had been there freezing for 2 hrs prior to his arriving. I had to find out what he was doing! :lol:n Turns out he was bottom fishing with small pieces of worms trying for suckers. We were right under the power lines across from the pilings. He said that was not the first sturgeon he had caught there.
No dog with me was up stream a little ways from there.
Sucker why would womeone be trying to get sucker fish must have been trying to get some crab bait or something.
I did hook in to one but lost it on a rock well it happens but was still fun for a minute.
You might have seen me playing in the mud hole in my jeep when I was getting ready to go home. Figured I couldn't take a fish home make the wife happy and bring home a muddy truck.
There something to ask anyone out there know of an good places to go mudding or offroading some what close to the city here?
I asked if they were good to eat. He said he cuts them up and dries them for jerky. Looked like fun fishing but I would have to toss them back.

As for the wheeling I go to Browns camp out off hwy 6 on the way to Tillamook or up Wildcat Mountain road out past sandy or behind eagle creek depending on which way you are coming from.

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