Sandy river ice fishing

Ok, so my friend and I decided to brave the cold and hit the sandy this morning. Much to our surprise we found the river nearly covered with ice! huge sheets covered the slack water and the rest of the river had floting chunks flowing down it. We had never seen anything like that around here but we decided to try and fish anyway. It didn't rely work out though, all the ice made it impossible to swing spinners and when the spinners came out of the water the water froze on them and they just got covered in ice. We still had a good time playing with the ice and just seeing the river like that. Go check it out for your self its pretty cool!

P.S. Sorry about the pic quality i just had my cell cam.
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Rob told me this was going to happen man o man it must be cold on the upper sandy wonder how much ice is at like CC
Wow good times.
yea my friend took his ice covered spinner back up to Rob's shop and said, (jokingly) "this spinner is defective, it dosn't spin!":dance:
Ahh good times...
WOW! :shock:
Ya crazy ****it huh my bro tells me there was ice floating down the sillyslaw yesterday, be safe out there boys!
i've heard in the old days they used to drive cars across it in the winter time.
I dont care if I was guaranteed a steelhead, that is TOO COLD for me... :shock:
When water is that cold fish get sluggish anyways... so do I!!
That's amazing.
I love the pic of the spinner! That is great.

Sometimes we get about half pound of ice built up on the rod tips that hang over the stern of my boat as we run upstream. gotta sit there and hold 'em under water for a minute to get them thawed well enough to cast.
dang osmo thats nuts... so i take it you never take a shower befor you go out on them days... might get a lil stiff after a day fishing
Ice Fishing

Ice Fishing

I have been on Eagle Creek before, when I had to stomp on the ice to get the fish to come out, and then get them. I got 12 Steelhead that day, and never saw another person. Of course my fly would freeze in the air on every cast, it was worth every second.
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Wow, thanks for posting those pictures.. awesome!
flymstr: what flies do you throw for winter steelies?
Yarn Flies

Yarn Flies

I tie up my own version of a yarn fly. With this fly, I get a lot of Steelhead every year, and I mean a lot.
Eagle Creek Iced up

Eagle Creek Iced up

Was at the Creek this morning, to find ice everywhere. Last time it was like this, was 3 years ago, and I killed the fish. Today, there was no fish, and it was cold. Anybody do any good anywhere else. please let me know.

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Yarn Fly?

Yarn Fly?

Flymstr said:
I tie up my own version of a yarn fly. With this fly, I get a lot of Steelhead every year, and I mean a lot.

Pictures of the fly :pray::pray:
Flymstr said:
Was at the Creek this morning, to find ice everywhere. Last time it was like this, was 3 years ago, and I killed the fish. Today, there was no fish, and it was cold. Anybody do any good anywhere else. please let me know.


Ya, here`s some more from this mornin. on the creek. I would`ve went further, flymstr, his partner and my dad didn`t have spikes on. So I had to go to:rolleyes:
xmas09icefishin017.jpg xmas09icefishin014.jpg
and down at Snuffin
and the North Fork
It was cold!
I should say that flymstr and his buddy were gonna go anyway. My dad and I got to the top of a little hill and he said no go. The bottoms of his felt were ice. So we turned up.
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Incredible pics, thanks for sharing! I wounder what the fish think of all the ice? :think:
That spinner says it all.:lol:

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