Samsung really wanted a swim

Well my wife and I just got a new cell phone plan. Got her an Iphone and me a samsung with full keyboard cause I hate texting on small phones. Was at the beach and damn if that phone didn't want to take a swim. It took me a minute as I raced away from an incoming wave to see wow thats my phone floating out to sea :mad: I chased it and chased it to no avail. Finnaly got a hold of a soaked and sand filled phone. Soaked my shoes and jeans in cold sea water. Well needless to say its been drying for about 30 hours and still it does not work :mad:
Oh man that is messed up. :confused: Do they offer any kind of insurance policy with those things? They are getting to the point where a units storage capacity alone could result in some real value as far as contacts and information is concerned...
I'm sorry to hear that Bro. You mite need to tie a line to that p-lure.........................:rolleyes:.........................:(
If it goes in the is almost a sure thing it is toast...the only thing to try is flushing ithe with regular water and removing the battery and blowing are into throught that spot.
Ouch. sorry to hear that. salt water and cell phones don't play well together. I think I would put a leash on the next one so it can't get away!
A quick update for you. Mine did the same it would just power on. Try washing it again really good in the sink and put it on the heater vent for a couple days. Worked for me!:dance::dance: I can't believe it but its all works again.
Glad to hear that it's working again!!!!

If it ever happens again, I would suggest that you remove the battery and SIM card, then wash the whole beastie in fresh water... soak it and shake it under water to rinse all of the saltiness out, and then soak in rubbing alcohol (the alcohol displaces a great deal of the water) and put on a heater or in a dehydrator to dry out.... it's worked for ever phone that I've ever dumped in the water...
done it too

done it too

I too have done it, thats why I bought a waterproof phone this time! But marine radio trick----- rinse with tap water, and put in a 1 gallon bag of white rice for three days, and if your lucky you still have a phone!
The white rice is an intersting idea... hmm... absorbs the water as it evaporates so that it can't get back into the works... I suspect that "instant" rice would work best, eh?
Waterproof phone

Waterproof phone

hey guys,
im new to this forum but just thought i would tell you about the G'zone phone buy verizon. It's made by casio G'shock watches and its waterproof.
i sometimes drop it in beer at the bar (dont tell verizon) just to see peoples reaction.:dance:
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