Salmon recipes used for the mid valley bass convention

Seems a few really enjoyed the salmon this weekend so Darth , Melly , Anna here ya go first ginger salmon just need lemon brown sugar and fresh ginger root. Peel and slice ginger root thin. squeeze half lemon over salmon... 001.jpg then cover with brown sugar, and ginger slices...002.jpg ,Then sqeeze rest of lemon over top....003.jpg do both recipes on foil can broil,or bake but best on the BBQ lid closed.Will add the other recipe soon so as not too mant pics on one response a little more involved but still easy.
I'm intrigued were is the second recipe? First one looks great, definitely trying...

Alrighty then here is the second Catalina salmon ... take fillet, "can also be done whole and stuffed" place on foil cover with catalina french dressing...007.jpg006.jpg layer on thin sliced red onion...008.jpg...add chopped garlic...009.jpg...then cilantro..010.jpg..then cover the pile with more catalina...011.jpg...again bake 350,broil, or "the best " close lid BBQ. Forgot to add with both recipes the toppings are seasoning and most folks will remove all or most before eating others who like intense flavor wont. Bon appetit
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