Rogue river fishing info?

Coming up to visit family early part of may, planning on fishing one of the mornings..... my in-laws have property on the river, but its above the dam between grants pass and city of rogue river, more lake then river. I visited last year and went on a guided trip for steelies, but that was in aug and upper rogue, had a blast! So i hear may is the time to catch coho, is it worth the time fishing from the back deck from there property or should i try to hire a guide, but money is tight right now as we all know, and ideas on places to fish from shore? I know there is a bridge in the town of rogue river, last time i was up there they were remodeling the park right next to it, any good there?
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Note to below post

Whoops wrong salmon...........I meant to say chinook, not coho
Ryno said:
Whoops wrong salmon...........I meant to say chinook, not coho

yeah next month they will be in there prett good! right now they are catching a few in the lower rogue near agnass! it wont be long and they will swamp the rogue near grants pass. there are a lot of spots out there if you know where the all sports park is follow that road out and there will be a lot of bank spots that are fantastic
Ryno said:
my in-laws have property on the river, but its above the dam between grants pass and city of rogue river, more lake then river.

Not any more, Savage Rapids dam is coming down as we type. Fish out your in-laws back door in early May and you might be surprised :D :D

If the Springers show up this year. :pray: :pray:
Hey Ryno, I don't know much about the Rouge but I just wanted to say welcome to OFF. I think you'll find everything you need right on this site:D.
No more lake behind savage rapids you can even call it a dam they have it down to 2 shoots at the bottom of the dam on only one side the other side is a temp cofer dam so they can built the irrigation pumps. last count was 4500 steelies at Gold Ray in gold hill 7 miles up from RR anyway klamthasteel says you might be surprised out he back door the water not pooled up so good flowing. I was going to try last week but went to All Sports couple rolling just got to watch out for smolt until May 23 they are checking I live in Grants Pass so PM when its time to go
my friend came back from grants pass yesterday and he caught 3 fish and only kept one ( of which i got a piece too...yayyyyy ) ..a 26 lb buck. He was fishing in merlin/glaice area and he saw lot of fish rolls.
lower rogue was slow ( he tried there first ).thats what i know through him.
sounds great and bet it tasted great. i will be heading to Graves creek past galice later after them dang hunny do's hopefully the eve bite will be as good
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I was down around Foster Bar last saturday and sunday and it seemed the fish were still lower, lots of boats just above gold beach, but the bite was slow. 5 fish had been taken so far this year at foster bar, and just below at angess seemed to be 15 or so landed that were posted at the angess store
few more weeks
great info

great info

thanks for all the tips and reports, coming up in 2 weeks, hope by then the fish are thick.........see ya out there

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