Spinning rods, the Spine is located on the underside. Bait caster, the spine is located on the up side. You can use a spinning reel on a bait casting rod, but it might prove interesting to use a spinning reel on a bait caster. Guides on a bait caster are smaller than a spinning rod. Bait Casting Rods, there is a wrap that is called Spiral/Acid wrap where the guides start out on top but take a twist to the underbelly of the blank, but that is another conversation. The butt sections tend to be a bit shorter on a spinning rod. Light to Med action for summer use IMO will be a must. A longer blank will be a better choice as for the lighter lines used in the Summer months. Longer blanks take more of the action inabeling the fisherman/woman to use light lines. The problem with using a spinning reel while float fishing is that there is a small hesitation when the line hits the spool, this will effect your presentation. Also,try setting the hook with the bail open on a spinning reel. With a bait caster reel you can let out line free-spooling with out any hesitation in your presentation. Hook sets are much easier with the thumb click. Not that a spinning reel can not get the job done. Just there are better and more productive ways of getting the same job done. Glass VS Composites is another conversation.....