Rocked the Canby Pond

Boy it sure feels good hooking on to some fish again. Took the kiddo out yesterday, to the Canby Pond. Used pink and green power eggs. It was our first time there, it's a great place for kids.
He caught his limit in a little over an hour. He landed one 15" and a 14" fatties, all the others were 10"+. Next up hopefully will be Lake Lyttle some time this week.:):)
Nice! I would hate to try to fish somewhere if i seen you pulling out as I was pulling in. Save some the rest of us. Great job getting the kid into some fish.
Yep, he is quite the little fisherman. just hope it won't turn out like last year, he outfished me!! But, still a proud papa. lol. He keeps telling his little sister that's 1 month old, how he's going to teach her how to fish. At least we already have a good start, I don't know how I did it, but I talked my wife on taking the baby fishing with us when she was only 2 weeks old. it was awesome.
Ok guys, I'll tell The Tytanator to take it easy on the fish to save you some:lol::lol::lol::lol:
yeah right!!:naughty: :D He shows no mercy :lol:
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haha I outfish my dad now and he says the worst move he ever made was teaching me everything he knows! lol
I hope you guys slay em at Lytle too. Good Luck!
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