Regs ? - all fish or steelies?

So, I have a quick question for you all. I am trying to understand the regs for this area.

The Zone Regs state:

Streams: (including tidewaters and bays): Open May 28-Oct. 31

So we are still in that date range, right?

But the Special regs for a certain system state:

• Open for adipose fin-clipped steelhead Jan. 1-March 31, May 28-Aug. 31 and Nov. 1-
Dec 31.
• Closed Sept. 1-Oct. 31.

That is all it says. Nothing more.

So, the steelhead fishing is legal those dates that it mentions. But it doesn't mention April 1 - May 27th. So I figure that steelhead fishing is not permissible for that range.

But it specifically states Closed Sept. 1 - Oct 31.

Does that mean that the whole system is closed for those dates, or is it just referring to targeting steelies?

I ask because there are trout in the water too and based upon the zone regs, streams are open till Oct. 31st. So I was hoping to go for some trout. But I am not sure if the "Closed" reffers to just steelies or the whole system (river).

If it reffers to just steelies, then why didn't they say so for the April 1 - May 27th dates too?

It is a little bit confusing. Thanks for the help!! :D


P.S. Admin, could you correct the title to read steelies and not steeleis? Thanks! :)
I'd say it's closed based off of that. Special regulations trump zone regulations. I always read the special regs first, and then move on to the zone.

"1. Read the Special Regulations for this zone. Special Regulations apply to specific bodies of water or portions of water within a
zone. If specific references to a body of water, species, catch limits, length limits, seasons, or other specifications are not made in
the Special Regulations for this zone, then Zone Regulations apply."
Modest_Man said:
I'd say it's closed based off of that. Special regulations trump zone regulations. I always read the special regs first, and then move on to the zone.

"1. Read the Special Regulations for this zone. Special Regulations apply to specific bodies of water or portions of water within a
zone. If specific references to a body of water, species, catch limits, length limits, seasons, or other specifications are not made in
the Special Regulations for this zone, then Zone Regulations apply."

Yes, that is what I do too. But in this case, does it mean that it is just plain ol' flat closed or is it talking about just closed to steelhead? Oh and MM, it is where we fished a few months back. Looks like hatchery steels head up that water. Might be nice to hit it again but way further down stream this time. What do you think? :D

When I asked about that the ODFW officer said: "the closer is for steelhead so if I see you using steelhead gear I'll cite you, but if you have trout gear I won't." He explained that this was a case of "it's all about the size of your gear. Size 2 Blue Fox is trout gear. Size 4 is steelhead gear!" You may want to call ODFW to make sure that is what all the officers believe. Those closers are usually because the smolts look so similar to the trout at that time of year that they are trying to give them some protection. Some one please correct me if I'm wrong, I have been a little OFF lately.

GDBrown said:
When I asked about that the ODFW officer said: "the closer is for steelhead so if I see you using steelhead gear I'll cite you, but if you have trout gear I won't." He explained that this was a case of "it's all about the size of your gear. Size 2 Blue Fox is trout gear. Size 4 is steelhead gear!" You may want to call ODFW to make sure that is what all the officers believe. Those closers are usually because the smolts look so similar to the trout at that time of year that they are trying to give them some protection. Some one please correct me if I'm wrong, I have been a little OFF lately.


lol... That's nice.
Spydeyrch said:
Yes, that is what I do too. But in this case, does it mean that it is just plain ol' flat closed or is it talking about just closed to steelhead? Oh and MM, it is where we fished a few months back. Looks like hatchery steels head up that water. Might be nice to hit it again but way further down stream this time. What do you think? :D


That would be pretty sweet. I'm in.
Spydeyrch said:
So, I have a quick question for you all. I am trying to understand the regs for this area.

The Zone Regs state:

Streams: (including tidewaters and bays): Open May 28-Oct. 31

So we are still in that date range, right?

But the Special regs for a certain system state:

• Open for adipose fin-clipped steelhead Jan. 1-March 31, May 28-Aug. 31 and Nov. 1-
Dec 31.
• Closed Sept. 1-Oct. 31.

That is all it says. Nothing more.

So, the steelhead fishing is legal those dates that it mentions. But it doesn't mention April 1 - May 27th. So I figure that steelhead fishing is not permissible for that range.

But it specifically states Closed Sept. 1 - Oct 31.

Does that mean that the whole system is closed for those dates, or is it just referring to targeting steelies?

The second bullet point stands separate from the first one, unless it specifies steelhead it overrides the zone regs in the most generic fashion, ie. the system is closed for everything during that time.

Which is a bummer because I've longed to go trout fishing on that river ever since I found out about it.
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