
New to fishing in the Bays I will be heading for Windchester and really want to catch some Redfin. What kind of bait is best and how will I know where the best fishing is? Just out side the boat morage or up river a mile or two? Is water depth importian?
Whats a redfin?

Redfin is a Perch that comes into the river this time of year and can go as much as four pounds.

Ahh, got it. That sounds like fun. Anything over a couple pounds is worthwhile!

Marcola is 10 miles north east of Springfield.

They are called redtailed surfperch, some people call them pink finned surf perch, never heard them called red fins? But I know what you mean. :lol:

The peak redtail fishing is probably over for the summer but you can still get them around rock structure, jettys, bridge pilings or especially anywhere where the tide creates sandbars and riptides or back eddies.

You might fish near the oyster farm, if there aren't any surfperch you have a decent chance at some kelp greenling or black rockfish.

Some redtails from this spring.
Thanks Mad Dog for setting me straight. All I know is I'm ready get some sea fish and move off the lakes some. I got a 19 foot boat and it's time to go.

Chass I'm still fishing on that Marcola thing. I didn't know there were any fisherman up there? Well since I move out I had lived there 40 plus years...

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