Random pics from a few summer 2009 trips

Here are a few pics from the few trips to cougar I made this year. Finally pulled some pics of my girlfriends camera. Here are some scenic pictures.
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Some more scenery. In the last one you can see the cougar ness monster in the bottom right hand corner in the water.
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Some fish that were caught.
And some more fish. The last one is her first chinook.
nice fish!!!
Nice pics man, makin me jealous not havin a boat.. My girl won't even hold a fish if it's still moving, she's all freaked out by how slimy they are lol, one day, I'll get her to get over that. Haha
tbox said:
My girl won't even hold a fish if it's still moving, she's all freaked out by how slimy they are lol, one day, I'll get her to get over that. Haha
Lol...Andy's girl is pretty chill. She's actually my Sister. He can't get her to EAT fish for the life of her tho. So, she's not quite the ruggedoutdoorswoman she appears to be. My woman always tells me she'll go fishing with me, but when the time comes she there's always an excuse. You guys are lucky to get them to go with ya!
Yeah I have a hard time getting her to go and she hates holding fish and the smell. I bait the hook and unhook the fish. The weather has to be just right and it can't be to early. In the year I have had the boat she only got up before sunup once to fish in not the best weather. When its HOT outside of couse we can take the boat to the lake do dork around though.
Haha yeah I was starting to think about how my girl gets hungry quicker than me, has to use the restroom quicker, hates touching bait and fish, yells at my crazy driving while looking at the river, etc.... bfishin, you might be the luckier one..haha
All jokes aside it is really cool to see how stoked she gets when shes got a fish on.
That's funny...I'll be checkin out the river or looking at clear cuts for deer and she'll complain too. Same old stuff :lol:
so beautiful
nice fish andy
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