Rain to sun...chinook to coho

Had another amazing day at the coast. Went down solo today, was gonna meet up with another buddy and his dad who had been staying there for a week and just murdering the fish (figuratively speaking...native coho retention is closed there). Got there at O'dark thirty...BS'ed with my friends until tossing time. Tide was gonna be pushing in for another few hours, bringing in fresh fish for the day.......as soon as we could see our rod tips, we began tossing the hardware. 2nd cast I had a fish on, a bright 9 pound native Coho....is was still so dark and my buddies were so far away, they had to ask me if I had a fish on like 3 times, all the while yelling back and forth. The waves were crashing hard, you could only get a few words out of your mouth before a monster breaker would drowned out your voice. Next fish came minutes later...another native, and another, and another........before 9'oclock 4 of us had a total of 17 fish landed. after Catching and releasing 3 native coho.......My line went taught once again. This time, monstrous head shakes are coming from the other end of my line...and then....BBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. He ran about 100 or so Yards of line. I started to see the metel of my spool showing...."oh hell no I thought" Started giving it the sloooowwwww hand brake (where you slow your spinning spool down with your finger tips)...Finally the Malay run ended, Finally I had the fish instead of it having me. Got him turned around.......then out of the corner of my eye, I see a seal making his way toward my fish.....again "oh hell no"...put the wood to it.....brought it close to the rocks only to have it strip another 100 feet of line out.....back in he came, this time all the way in the net!,
the fish gods must have been smiling down, cause that seal clearly was heading my fishes way and then disappeared.....must have for an easier fish to catch! Well it wasn't over yet My buddy and his dad got a double Native Coho on, and my buddy lost one.......Some older ladies who I had met before fishing came down to get there lines wet....asked how we were doing, I explained the fun that we had had that morning......BOOM fish on.....and like pulling a rabbit out of a hat...Clipped Coho.....Im limited!
I know I say this every time....but, BEST day of the year.......I went 5 for 5....and released the biggest Coho i have ever caught my estimate was around 17-18 pound native. My buddy had landed 6 when i left at noon....his dad had 4.... Crazy Crazy Crazy!! 17 fish hooked before 9 says it all!....sorry the pictures are alittle blurry....enjoy
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nice report NwKiller! now i am really itchen, but the thought of beein spooled scares me :P i can't chase the fish in water when i am stuck on the bank and only have 2 ways to hop on rocks. A run like that, and you would find me jumpin in with my rod held high, crankin on that real as hard as i can while swimming after the beast!

Nice fishes NWkiller and keep up the good work broo!
Thanks Jeanna

Rippin....it was close to spool, i pretty much was like...im either gettin that fish or gettin my line back.....as for going in the water.....not a good plan, she was rippin....
Very nice fish there nwkiller!! Nie report too. Glad to see the rain is pushing the fish up the systems now.

Quick question, why the double waders? Just curious. Take care man! :D

Got to squint looking at those bright fish. Good to know there's a bunch around this year. Keep up the good work.
hey if I was that thin id wear double waders too :)

Hahahahahaha, that was funny!! :lol:

probably to keep the blood of all his fish off the other waders

Nice point there. I hadn't thought about that. Although, I was hoping he would say that it was his secret weapon to catch those nice fish. Ya know ... something like a superstitioin of some sorts. Kind of like bananas repel fish ... well double waders attract fish!!! hahahahahahahaha :D :lol:

thanks everyone.....
thuggin, we should defenetly do some fishing together....pm me, we can hit it up soon.

and after reviewing the pictures before putting them up...i too noticed the mud puddle....made me think of a dead winter river stealhead in chocolate milk...lol

as far as the double layer.....first i got my waders on under my rain bibs because in sketchy moments on the rocks....its inevidable that you can go down at anytime....personally i would rather scratch up my rain gear then my waders...although they cost the same.....:think: oh and it calls the fish in!!!

thanks for all the comments!


My freind and his dad who I left there fishing after i got my limit picked up a few more fish....my buddy was 7-9 with seals taking the 2 and his dad was 6-7 with a seal taking one.
talked to a freind who was there this morning....bit of a different day so far...talked to him around 10am, he said he hooked three fish....seals took all three.....

Seals 3
Fisherman 0

heres a wave that crashed on my freind and his dad....I was acually going up to the car to grab the camera cause some crazy waves were crashing...(good action) as i was coming back from the car i noticed a boat out in the bay that all i could see was the white cover on the top of the boat..the boat was facing us checking a crab pot..it had a 10 or so ft roller just in front of it, and a 10 ft roller just behind it. thankfully for the crew of that boat it was a jet sled....the jet was in high gear (we all know that bad azz noise) he made a HARD right turn just making it bihind the wall, it was crazy, im sure all the contestants were "puckered" we all were and we were on the bank.....needless to say he didn't chack that crabpot until the ocean calmed. But unfotunatly i couldnt get the camera going intiume to get that crazyness on it.....but i did get the double wave hitting my friend!! (my friend is the guy in the brown rain jacket the farthest away, his dad is the guy closer to me next to him....i dont know the dude close to the cam, but he was chill)...they would come out of nowhere....you get wet!
second wave is the best
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