Quit my job and I'm fishing tomorrow, great day!!!!

Quit my job that pays me too little, works me too hard and didn't give two (you know whats) about me today. AHHHHH it felt so good. :D:D:D

Even better is that I am treating myself by taking the float tube out to Olalla lake tomorrow one of my favorite places to go fishing.;) Last time I was there I saw a Bald Eagle come down and take a fish 20 feet from me :shock:

I'll let you guys know how I do but fish or no fish I can guarantee it is going to be a good day!!!!
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Very tough these days to find an employer who truly cares about anything but the bottom line . I myself have switched jobs a few times in the last few years , and have finally found one .Keep lookin there are still a few out there , and in the mean time have a wonderful day fishin!!!
well, got my limit with ease. i have heard that Olalla slows down in the summer but it has been on fire every time i have gone this summer. nothing fancy, powerbait with a sliding sinker, had to tinker with depth and speed of troll to figure out how they wanted it. nothing of huge size, a couple 15 inchers though. didn't see the bald eagle i saw last time but the ospreys were there in full force. well i'm off to Michigan for a wedding so i won't be oregon fishing for the next week, i'll definitely miss it though. save some fish for me. :)
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