I was fishing the Wilson today and saw a fish that was definitely not acting like a normal steelhead. This fish was in the shallows and was taking it's time going up river, like a spawed-out salmon. I put a streamer in front of it's face 5 times and it didn't even react. From my experience, when you put a streamer in front of a steelhead or trout they do one of two things: hit it or scatter.
My question, is it possible that there is still some late run spawned-out salmon in the Wilson?
I just started fishing this river a month ago, so I don't know much about it yet. One thing I have learned is that you have to cover a lot of water to be successful in that river because there are tons of good holes (ie steelhead holding water) and they could be anywhere. Today I fished between mm 17 and 21. I had one fish snap me off immediately (bad knot or nick in line) and moved one other fish, but that was it. It rained like a SOB, but it was still fun.
My question, is it possible that there is still some late run spawned-out salmon in the Wilson?
I just started fishing this river a month ago, so I don't know much about it yet. One thing I have learned is that you have to cover a lot of water to be successful in that river because there are tons of good holes (ie steelhead holding water) and they could be anywhere. Today I fished between mm 17 and 21. I had one fish snap me off immediately (bad knot or nick in line) and moved one other fish, but that was it. It rained like a SOB, but it was still fun.