Question about when go drain pond

Title basically says it all, we need to drain 5-6 feet of water out of our pond to do some work around the edges, we were concerned about draining it too soon while all the fish are still spawning and eggs are hatching, any suggestions to the earliest we can start draining it so that the most eggs will be hatched? Then also while the water is that low I'd like to plant trees or other things that can grow in water so when the water comes back up there will be lots of new cover for the bass
a lot of guys do their work in jan and feb when everything even your foilage is dormant, also trees planted then will rebound very well and have high survival rates when planted in the winter.
It has to be in the summer so the ground is hard so we can get heavy equipment around the edges right now we are thinking start draining it in July and then august/September we will do the work that we need to do
It has to be in the summer so the ground is hard so we can get heavy equipment around the edges right now we are thinking start draining it in July and then august/September we will do the work that we need to do
That time frame works well for the bass not sure about the rest, although would think drier would be better when it comes to heavy stuff.
Hey TR do it this summer and maybe you can get a few days off work and i can come up for 3 days or something and help the cause and do a little fishing, we can get all the guys together me, shane, fp and the whole gang and get work done faster that way and between all of us bounce around some good ideas as far as plans go! :D
It really depends on how hot it is this year in August/September for the plant work. It'll certainly be fine for the fish. If you're doing mostly trees you ought to be fine-ish, though I wouldn't do smaller stuff. If you're looking for some plant species recommendations I do that sort of thing for a living and might be able to make some suggestions.
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