Quartzville is a horrible place, desolate and polluted and I suggest anyone thinking of fishing it should stay far far away... hehe just kidding. I love the place, it is one of my favorite places around, even if i'm not fishing. Lots of places to hike and put a line in the water. The only problem is that its outside of Sweet Home, so there are plenty of weirdos and people who litter that go out there. It really gets to me when I go out there to fish and end up spending an hour of my day clearing out trash and old fishing line that people throw around out there when they camp. Well, Sweet Home can be a nice town, there are plenty of good people, but also plenty of scumbags. When I camp/fish I try to go as far up the creek as possible, less chance of getting stuff stolen or coming across lowlifes. I still love the area though, I can't wait until it opens in April.