Private Property Paradise

I caught this beautiful native cutthroat today at my secret spot. The sad part is that a new pond was built upstream, in violation of the water rights, and the ponds days are numbered. When the stream goes dry later this summer, there will still be plenty of spotted bass, bluegill, and sunfish to keep my lines tight. I have never approached a total stranger about fishing on or from their property, have any of you? If so how did it go?
I have never been in such a situation, but I think that if you approached them in a polite manner, with offers to maintain their property as you found it, they would certainly be more civil than if they found you trespassing. While there are some sourpusses out there, I think people are more generous by nature than you might think.
adambomb said:
I caught this beautiful native cutthroat today at my secret spot. The sad part is that a new pond was built upstream, in violation of the water rights, and the ponds days are numbered. When the stream goes dry later this summer, there will still be plenty of spotted bass, bluegill, and sunfish to keep my lines tight. I have never approached a total stranger about fishing on or from their property, have any of you? If so how did it go?

Nice fish. Once about 20 years ago I asked a guy on Siuslaw River Rd if I could fish his pond. He told me no because if he let me then he'd have to let everyone else. He did tell me I could fish the Siuslaw that was on his property though.
I have approached owners of private property on the Siuslaw in years past in my adventures trying to slay some steel, and have always been granted access, i always leave it cleaner than when I got there..packing out every piece of garbage i can find, and the owners appreciate it. The owners of the property I have fished from are fisherman themselves, so perhaps they can appreciate the woes of limited bank access.

Never hurts to ask.
No, it never hurts to ask! I did this Spring, and got access to probabbly the best drift on one of my favorite streams. All I need to do is help rake leaves in the fall once or twice, and give her a couple fillets every so often... Easy as can be to get the chance to really have banner days! She is too nice to just leave it at that though. I am planning on building her a nice sitting bench, out of stainless steel so she can go down, and watch the Salmon run the mountain, or just listen to the stream... It is so worth it to make friends with folks like that. They are usually really generous, and will turn out to be great friends almost always. Plus you get to fish their sweet piece of the pie!
I knew of a place that had the greatest looking holes on it, but was posted "No Hunting, No Fishing, No Exceptions, No Exscuses". I saw the guy working on his property one day and asked if I could have fishing access, "Sure" he said. He thanked me for asking and said it was posted the way it was to keep people inline and would let most anyone who asked.I have never encountered anyone else there in six years and have excellent fishing and solitude when I need it.
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