Plug cutting Squid!!!!!

I'm trying to figure the presentation do I make this thing swim like a crippled squid? Which begs the question...what does a crippled squid swim like?
Squid are for sturgeon.. Again Phil, mind inside the box. hahahaha.. jk.
Why couldn't you run a bait threader through the center then a double hook mooching rig through that...?
Just like a hoochie. Hmmmm...
Well Phil, a healthy squid has a very fluid movement thanks to their natural jet propulsion system. To give it that crippled look you'd have to hook it up to a dodger or something like it. Just a thought. Although, if you had it rigged to roll like a cut plug that should make it look different enough.
You could evan toss a bead in front of that squide with one of the flashers thats just like a set of plastic wings. Thinking might be something extra to catch there eye
I'm thinking I could make a wing type thing that would go inside the mantel and be neutrally boyant and cause it so spin slowlyand hold the mantel open so it doesn't collapse and mecome a meat sock. Would also have to run a small corkie in front of the hook so that it pull it through the bait while trolling.
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