Please keep an eye out on these two and their fish hoarding

Does anyone know the fine for taking more than the limit of five Trout per day? Some have said that you can only take one limit per day, but it is two limits per day. I have a copy of this with me in case anyone would like to look at it. I realize that only five can be in your possession at one time. I also found out that Trout cannot be cleaned at the park due to toxins being released from the liver or stomach in the fish. Thank you Al for letting me know this.

Yesterday I got to the park about 1145 and stayed until about 5pm. I watched two guys leave with more than their limit and then come back later. These two guys catch fish, put the first four in a plastic bag so they are hidden and then the 5th fish they put on their chain in the water. They want to make it look like that the 5th fish is really their 1st. Several others noticed this yesterday as well and have noticed the same two do this on a regular basis. I also wonder how many times they might come during the day or if they go other places as well during the day; like the canal or back pond. These two are taking AT LEAST around 36 fish a day. No wonder there is no fish to be had after a day or two.

These two will pretend like they do not understand you. They "play stupid" so they will not get caught. These two are also known for cramming in between people to fish and regularly cross many other's line. Again, they will pretend like they do not understand you so they can get away with it. If they see you catching fish, they will try to get as close to you as possible. After catching on to what they are doing and watching one throw his line in for his 6th fish, I confronted him. He then acted like he didn't know what I was saying. After I told him about the fine he will be paying, he counted his fish like he didn't know what he was doing and left. Four in the bag and one in the water on his chain.

I am asking everyone to keep your eye out on these two. It is time for them to be held accountable for taking more than their share of fish. If you see them carrying five fish on their chain; ask to see their bags/bucket or report them. One drives a white van with many windows in it and sits on a bucket. I can only describe them as "two short males, both of Asian decent, older in age."

Once or twice I can live with....but every time they fish, NO!
I try to stay away from confrontation, but maybe you should walk up to them and take a nice glamour shot of them, then put it up on the site. Might scare them away too? Them they'll probably move on to the next spot though....vicious cycle.
on page 103 of this years fishing regs., it says $160 is the fine for "Violations relating to the size or quantity limits for fish or shellfish, other than ..salmon, steelhead, and sturgeon (that fine is $435).

I would call the Wildlife Violations line and report it: 800-452-7888

cheers, roger
LivinItUpCO said:
maybe you should walk up to them and take a nice glamour shot of them, then put it up on the site

I was actually expecting to see such a shot when I was clicking on the title "Please keep an eye out on these two and their fish hoarding"
Man, I feel bad for anyone having to keep 36 fish in Alton Baker per day. Maybe they need to eat more than you and I...idk.
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The "right" thing for any sport fisher folk to do is call the Wildlife Violations number rather than turn a blind eye to blatant disregard for the rules. Get the license number of the vehicle and maybe get a snapshot of the culprit(s) on a cell phone. If it is so blatant that a lot of folks are witnessing it, they aren't going to stop just because someone mentions it to them. The dumb act is very likely just that, an act. They know exactly what they are doing or they wouldn't try to hide the excess fish. As far as the quantity, maybe they are selling to small local restaurants. You would be doing a good thing for the fish, fellow fisher folk and the public in general. Please consider calling the authorities the next time you see them there. :hi:
Raincatcher said:
The "right" thing for any sport fisher folk to do is call the Wildlife Violations number rather than turn a blind eye to blatant disregard for the rules. Get the license number of the vehicle and maybe get a snapshot of the culprit(s) on a cell phone. If it is so blatant that a lot of folks are witnessing it, they aren't going to stop just because someone mentions it to them. The dumb act is very likely just that, an act. They know exactly what they are doing or they wouldn't try to hide the excess fish. As far as the quantity, maybe they are selling to small local restaurants. You would be doing a good thing for the fish, fellow fisher folk and the public in general. Please consider calling the authorities the next time you see them there. :hi:

I would add that you do not have to confront them to report them. You can photograph the violators, record their OR numbers from their boat, and vehicle license plate from a safe distance. All it takes is someone willing to become involved. Please give law enforcement the help they need.

I heard that they give out good tips for turning in wildlife violators.
teubie said:
Some have said that you can only take one limit per day, but it is two limits per day.
-I have a copy of this with me in case anyone would like to look at it

You can have two limits in your possesion, Like if you were camping or had someone else's fish in your possesion. 10 fish in your possesion max.

The daily limit is 5. Thats it, you can only retain 5 trout in a day.

You have something that says otherwise?
troutmasta said:
You can have two limits in your possesion, Like if you were camping or had someone else's fish in your possesion. 10 fish in your possesion max.

The daily limit is 5. Thats it, you can only retain 5 trout in a day.

You have something that says otherwise?

yeah, I missed that in my first read, you can only retain 5 trout per day (1 limit). period. :hi:
teubie said:
Does anyone know the fine for taking more than the limit of five Trout per day? Some have said that you can only take one limit per day, but it is two limits per day. I have a copy of this with me in case anyone would like to look at it.


you have misread the regs and you have it backwards. one limit can be caught per day, but you are allowed to have 2 daily limits in possesion at one time.
I would be luck to catch 5 trout in a day lol
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I will call about limits so I have it correct for myself. I have gone twice in one day to Alton Baker. However, I only caught five total that day. The ones that saw me there a second time assumed I got my limit the first time but I did not.
I can bet these two are selling their fish because they act almost "manic" about catching fish. I know the stupid act is just that. When I mentioned a fine, they understood me all of a sudden. Otherwise the usual response is "huh," "I don't understand" or "I didn't hear you." Last Wednesday one had the nerve to cross three different people's lines while sitting right next to them saying he was fishing "sideways." Sideways, really? Wow! Lol. When I pointed out that the guy had his limit,!he did a great acting job of counting his fish. Overly dramatic as he did it, he was so shocked that he counted five. Yes, only one on your stringer....oh yeah and the four in your plastic bag. I am not sure if I am more appalled at him for acting stupid or for him assuming I am really that dumb.

I do have a distant photo of one guy and will be calling the number that some of you recommended. Hopefully someone can come out next stocking day and I will point them out.

I am wondering if there is a way to volunteer for the ODFW and ticketing violators. I would also love to find out about a bathroom, a trash can, and a cleaning station down at Alton. Also an Expresso Cart, a warming center, and massage table....ok I'm kidding on the last three...sort of. :)

Most of you know me. I would like to think that, while not perfect, I am easy to get along with. But when someone continues to take advantage of the system and it affects everyone else as well, then I have a problem. Or if you throw rocks at my favorite white Duck just because it is there: like the guy on Wednesday. Are we allowed to throw rocks at others, if they bug us or are in the way? It's only fair right?

I have enjoyed fishing these past few months and meeting some really cool people. I look forward to stocking week and seeing the gang down at the park. Have a good week all and thank you for your responses.

teubie said:
I will call about limits so I have it correct for myself.

No need - the folks above are absolutely correct... hence the term "daily limit." Wouldn't be much of a "limit" if you could go back and do it again, right?

You can also file a complaint about the rock-throwing - harrassing wildlife is a violation as well.
DrTheopolis said:
No need - the folks above are absolutely correct... hence the term "daily limit." Wouldn't be much of a "limit" if you could go back and do it again, right?

You can also file a complaint about the rock-throwing - harrassing wildlife is a violation as well.


this might help- for salmon and steelhead, the same 1 limit per day/2 limits in possession applies. but we must "tag" our fish by writing down the species, location, and date on our tags immediately and before resuming any further fishing activity; having this info in ink and correct on our tag is what gives us the legal right to possess those fish in the field. but if it was really possible to catch 2 limits in a day and if the daily salmon/steelhead limit is 2 where you are fishing, then you would have 4 recorded on your tag for the same date...

...and the trooper would give you a big ash ticket for being overlimit on salmon/steelhead. It would not matter whether you had 2 in your possession at the time of the check and the other 2 in your car or home or campsite, it would not matter if you caught 2 at one river and moved to catch 2 more on another river, the daily limit is 2 salmon/steelhead and if you have more than that recorded on your tag for a single date, you are overlimit.

the only difference for trout is that you are not required to record your catch on a tag in ink but the same thing applies, you cannot catch a limit, put it away, and fish again on the same date...cheer, roger
I left my regs out in the car but on one of the pages it states for "Alton Baker-limit is five per day."
When people take more than that at Alton Baker, it ruins the fun for the families I see come out to the park. It lowers the chance of a little kid catching a fish for the first time. If you have watched kids out there with their parents or grandparents and have seen them catch a fish, it is a pretty sweet experience.
While your heart is clearly in the right place, teubie, it's possible that your head isn't if you don't see the irony in someone interpreting the regs to say "it's OK to take 2 daily limits in a day" complaining about other people taking too many fish.

Just sayin'.
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However ironic you may feel something is, it is not up to you to tell me where my heart and head are. At least I take the opportunity to learn the rules. I could play stupid like others and get away with anything. And trust me, being in the Army, I learned to play stupid really well. I could care less how many times a person goes to the pond. However, the fish are not there to catch in abundance then sell to others nor are they there for you to keep taking and taking and taking. Obviously you know the rules so you have nothing to worry about correct? My issue, along with several others, are the jerks that cross my line, crowd in between people to fish on top of me when you see me catching fish in a certain spot, and the ones that literally run to the pond to catch as many as they can and race home to only come back and catch several more. It is the same two; week after week. You see; working with the FBI and Homeland Security, I am a little anal about rules and regs. And if I do not know a reg for certain, I will find it out. If I am questioned about a reg, I will research it further. The proper authorities are aware of what is going on and it is now in their hands. I bid you a wonderful evening.
teubie said:
And trust me, being in the Army, I learned to play stupid really well.

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grampa ron
Call the 800 # on your license. If at all possible someone will show up. It will be very expensive for them.

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