Pip squeak!!!

A true southern Oregon half-pounder! About 13" or so, a little fin-clipped steelie! :D This is what southern Oregon rivers are famous for....12"-16" summer steelhead.....especially the Rogue!

I actually saw this guy holding in this hole a couple of days back, he was just out there chillin' with the big guys! :lol: I got him to eat something this morning! Slow morning overall though, only had 3 hours to fish before work....getting too old to burn the candle at both ends, that is for sure!!! Only 2 bites, hooked and landed both, released the little fish to hopefully grow up a bit! :lol: Pic came out blurry, should have had the flash on with the autofocus that time of the morning but I was hurrying so I could get the little guy back in the river.

Way less fish in the river yesterday, pretty sure they are not moving as much with the return of the hot weather! I wish things would cool down....september is the month that the fish are supposed to become more active with the coming of fall! But, this year has been goofy! Why would fall be any different!
Very nice fish. The weather is doing the same up here. Last week we had that nice cold front come i Mon through Wed. and we started hookin up with fish. It's gonna be back to the mid 90's all this week....
nice fish! During that cold front i hooked into 2 steelhead and my buddy laned 2, i have been skunked 7 steelies, havent landed on in a month! This year has been weird! glad to see ur doin good with em! keep them coming bro!
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