Pine Hollow Res.

has anyone fished over at Pine Hollow this season? i havent seen anything but one thread and he had success. Dad and i are driving over tomorrow hopefully be the by 630 am before it gets hot and the fish are biting.
if anyone has fished it whats been doing good? im gonna try bottom fishing with PB
let me know
Yes, definitely a bluegill.

BTW, those trout look more like squawfish or whitefish and not trout. But, it is kind of difficult to tell from those pics. If you can post other pics, that would help. If not, no biggie.
I was there yesterday before sun up, caught 2 10'' trout off the bottom with green power bait,by 9 o clock it was to hot to fish.A few days ago in the same spot got 3 8-10 ''.About a week ago I got 4 9-13'', and 2 weeks ago in the same exact spot i cought 5 10-13''.some times they hit on green some times they like pink or even orange,you just never know.Good luck
X n' burgers a great combo!

Yep. When they quit biting one color, just switch to another. White is a good color too (and chartreuse).
Never fished this place. Heading over there this weekend and may end up throwing the boat in at Pine Hollow.
Any info would be great!

Aren't there bass over there too?
Is the launch a nightmare?
Does the launch open early?

Would imagine the skiers and such are on it early....?
Answered my own questions on this one this weekend too...

Picked up two trout in the morning.
Marked lots of fish...probably bass.
The two trout had parasites.
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